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Dey give out things den de way dey wanted 'em to soun', an' dat's de way dey done come down: "'It started wid Mr. John Gully gittin' shot. Now Mr. Ever'body were sho' it were some' o' de Chisolm crowd, but some folks knowed it were dat Nigger, Walter Riley, dat shot Mr. Gully. "'De Chisolms warnt Yankees, but dey warnt white democratic people.

Currie states that if Sam said he saw a thing happen thus, it may be depended upon that he is telling exactly what he really saw. Sam McAllum, ex-slave, lives in Meridian, Lauderdale County. Sam is five feet three inches tall and weighs 140 pounds. "De firs' town I ever seen were DeKalb in Kemper County. De Stephenson Plantation where I were born warnt but 'bout thirteen miles north o' DeKalb.

"Dunder und blitzens!" gasped Hans. "I don'd tole you dot!" "Get away wid yer blarney!" exclaimed Barney, disbelievingly. "Pwhat do yez take us fer, Oi warnt to know? It's nivver a bit do ye shtuff sich a yarrun down aour throats, me b'y." "You are not compelled to believe it." "Cintipades in th' winter!" snorted the Irish lad. "Thot bates th' band!"

That's what I paid my good money for 'em to do. "He had two daughters an' two sons. Them an' his poor wife had all the work in the house to do, 'cause he wouldn' waste no Nigger to help 'em out. His family was as scared o' him as we was. They lived all their lives under his whip. No Sir! No Sir! There warnt no meaner man in the world than old man Jim Rankin.

His eyelids had dropped slightly, there was about him the same suggestive, mocking secrecy that was in the bearing of the two city creatures. The man jerked his head a little on one side, indicating Ursula, and said, with curious amiable, jeering warmth: 'What she warnt? eh? An odd smile writhed his lips. Birkin looked at him from under his slack, ironical eyelids.

Dey forgot wouldn' be nobody to take care of 'em. Things warnt healthy an' my mammy an' me kep' close to de white folks. 'Course, Tempe she was grown an' could do what she please. She sho' done somp'in' when she married Cal. Dat was de meanes' Nigger! He nail up a board over de gate pos' what say, 'No visitors allowed'. Sho' 'nough didn' no visitors want to go to his house!

Well, said he, it is so in theory, but not always in practice, and when we do pracTISE it, it seems to go a little agin the grain, as if it warnt quite right neither. When I was last to Baltimore there was a Court there, and Chief Justice Marshall was detailed there for duty.

He sho' was a gent'man an' a powerful good doctor. "Us had a overseer on de place, but he warnt mean lak I'se heard o' other folks havin'. He was Mr. William Robinson. He was good to ever'body, both white an' cullud. Folks didn' min' workin' for him, 'cause, he spoke kin'. But dey dassen' sass 'im. He was poor. My pappy b'longed to his pa, Mr. John Robinson.

"Us white folks was good to us. Dey warnt always a-beatin' an' a-knockin' us 'roun'. De truf is you couldn' fin' a scar on nary one o' us. 'Course, some times dey whup us, but dey didn' gash us lak some o' de old marsters did dey Niggers. "When Old Marster died I didn' know nothin' bout him bein' sick.

'To give you a chair that with the label on it, he said, pointing. The man looked at the object indicated. There was a curious hostility in male, outlawed understanding between the two men. 'What's she warnt to give it US for, guvnor, he replied, in a tone of free intimacy that insulted Ursula. 'Thought you'd like it it's a pretty chair. We bought it and don't want it.