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Besides, his practised eyes had sought in vain the real signs of the passing of winter. The migratory creatures of the feathered world had given no sign. The geese and ducks were still waiting in the shelter of warmer climates.

We shall speak, in future, at greater length of his real character than is necessary in this place; but it may here be said, that the fancy that he was cold and unimpressible was a very great error. No man had stronger or warmer feelings, or regarded the invasion of the South with greater indignation, than himself.

The horses proved to be in fine fettle, and eager for the long gallop. So the two saddle boys once more started forth. The day promised to be still warmer than the preceding one; and the first part of the journey presented some rather difficult problems.

Fenwick was sitting with a book before him lost in anxious and exciting calculations when Phoebe entered the room. 'Is that you? he said, jumping up. 'That's all right. I wanted to talk to you. 'I thought you did, she said, with a very quiet, drooping air; then going to the window, which was open, she leaned out into the May night. 'Where shall we go? It's warmer.

"It is a plate!" "It is a coach and horses," cried the Doctor. "Boy," he continued, growing warmer, "I plucked away a great pad of moss from between these boulders, and disclosed a crevice; and when I looked in, what do you suppose I saw?

Her heart had long been devoted to Le Gardeur, but never meeting with any response to her shy advances, which were like the wheeling of a dove round and round its wished-for mate, she had long concluded with a sigh that for her the soul of Le Gardeur was insensible to any touch of a warmer regard than sprang from the most sincere friendship.

"I come," said Michel, assuming a pompous tone, "I come associated with an officer of the republican army, Monsieur Petion a native of this colony, but a stranger to yourself." Monsieur Petion paid his respects. He was a mulatto, with shy and reserved manners, and an exceedingly intellectual countenance. "We lost you early," said Toussaint; "but only to offer you the warmer welcome back.

How does it come that in these southern climates the hill-top town has survived so much more generally to our own day than in Northern Europe? The obvious answer seems at first sight to be that in the warmer climates life can be carried on comfortably, and agriculture can yield good results, at a greater height than in a cold climate.

On the day appointed for the experiments, Dr. Haygarth and his friends assembled at the hospital, and with much solemnity brought forth the fictitious tractors. Four out of the five patients said their pains were immediately relieved; and three of them said they were not only relieved, but very much benefited. One felt his knee warmer, and said he could walk across the room.

Such was the Princess's welcome to the arms of her handsome husband and to the Court over which she hoped to reign as Queen; nor did she receive much warmer hospitality from the Prince's family.