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"Hard?" she asked, troubled. "No; just a fine, warm drizzle. It won't last." "All the better!" she cried, brightening; and it seemed to the young officer as though the sun had gleamed for an instant on the tent wall.

He came towards her, looking at her gloomily, looking himself thin and grey and shivery but always like a prince. "You have more flesh to keep you warm than I have," said he, quite roughly. "Thank you!" She bridled and flushed.

He took a warm interest in this course of lectures, and sent me the following Aphorisms on Preaching, to be used as I might think fit. I reproduce them entire, as they came from him. Perhaps they were the very last literary work he did: The preacher must be master of many books, and servant of one. Closet and Desk.

"I'll light the fire and warm food for you," said Will. "It's a pleasure for me to do it. Sit down on the log and before you know it I'll have ready for you the finest lake trout into which you ever put your teeth." "Young William, I accept your invite."

Blankets and other things were passed out to keep them warm, and when they finally went their way the blankets went with them, but Mrs. Stevenson was glad that they should have them and said she would have done the same had she been in their case. All this while her son and daughter the son in New York and the daughter in Italy were in a state of anguished suspense as to their mother's fate.

When summer came it was decided to join Browning's father and sister in Paris, and accompany them to some French seaside resort, where Mrs Browning could have the benefit of a course of warm salt-water baths.

Doubtless Old Si Smith now and then indulges in reveries somewhat similar, but his retrospections would be of a minute and personal character. To warm up the average frontiersman, however and Old Si is no exception into a style at once luminous and emphatic and embellished with all the richness of the border dialect, it is only necessary to suggest the Indian topic.

Only to know the coldness of a misnamed pride; never to know the close, warm joy of humility." Many people know nothing about a real apology. A lukewarm apology is more insulting than the insult. A handsome apology is the handsomest thing in the world and the manliest and the womanliest. An apology, like chivalry, is sexless.

Poor boy! how I pitied his great warm hand when it was holding mine so lovingly, and how I could have kissed every seam and scar upon it. But by and by his hands shall be white like Tom's, though not so soft. I hate a hand which feels like a fluff of cotton.

After petting it for a few days the new mistress gave the bird a warm bath, out of which the little fellow came all of one hue, namely a dark ash color. The deceitful bird merchant had ingeniously painted him from the crown of his head to the very tip of his tail feathers!