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"Hout tout, neighbour, ye mauna take the warld at its word," said Saddletree; "the very deil is no sae ill as he's ca'd; and I ken mair than ae advocate that may be said to hae some integrity as weel as their neighbours; that is, after a sort o' fashion' o' their ain."

"I am glad ye do me that justice," said Effie, haughtily; "ifs whiles the faut of very good folk like you, Jeanie, that, they think a' the rest of the warld are as bad as the warst temptations can make them." "I didna deserve this frae ye, Effie," said her sister, sobbing, and feeling at once the injustice of the reproach, and compassion for the state of mind which dictated it.

Puir Cuddie! he's gane, puir fallow, that wad hae dune aught in the warld I bade him, and ne'er asked a reason an' I've had nae time to draw up wi' the new pleugh-lad yet; forby that, they say he's gaun to be married to Meg Murdieson, illfaur'd cuttie as she is." "You must find some one to go, Jenny; life and death depend upon it."

As often as his name was mentioned, Miss Letty's eyes would grow hazy, and as often she would make some comical remark. 'Puir fallow! she would say, 'he was ower lang-leggit for this warld. Or again: 'Ay, he was a braw chield. But he canna live. His feet's ower sma'.

Ma certie, but gin there were naebody in this haill warld but her an' me, I'd tak' a lodging for her in the finest street I could find i' London toun, an' I'd be aff mysel' to the Orkneys by the neist ship as left the docks. I wad, sae!" Angus laughed till he cried, and Flora and I were no much better.

"For health," said Christie, looking gloomily at me, "ye maun ken little of the warld, sir, if ye dinna ken that the health of the poor man's body, as well as his youth and his strength, are all at the command of the rich man's purse. There never was a trade so unhealthy yet but men would fight to get wark at it for twa pennies a day aboon the common wage.

Gibbie Glossin! that I have carried in my creels a hundred times, for his mother wasna muckle better than mysell he to presume to buy the barony of Ellangowan! Gude be wi' us it is an awfu' warld! I wished him ill but no sic a downfa' as a' that neither wae's me! wae's me to think o't!"

To her I owe my boxmastership my trade my status my health my happiness and a' that's worth livin for in this evil warld; and she will never hae it to say again, that I'm no gratefu for the care she taks o' me, and the love she bears to me. Let the warld say, if they like, that I am henpecked I dinna care." "Weel, weel," replied the deacon; "we were speakin o' bills.

From the time o' Adam downwards, the way o' the warld!" The second letter ran thus: "DEAR ANNE, Just called to London to my father. They have telegraphed him in a bad way. Stop where you are, and I will write you. Trust the bearer. Upon my soul, I'll keep my promise. Your loving husband that is to be, WINDYGATES HOUSE, Augt. 14, 4 P. M. "In a mortal hurry. Train starts at 4.30." There it ended!

As I purpose giving you the names and designations of all my heroines, to appear in some future edition of your work, perhaps half a century hence, you must certainly include the bonniest lass in a' the warld in your collection.