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There was that in the unparalleled audacity of Eldon Parr that compelled Hodder's unwilling admiration. He sat gazing at the financier during this speech, speculating curiously on the inner consciousness of the man who could utter it. Was it possible that he had no sense of guilt? He was suddenly aware that Asa Waring was standing beside him. "Gentlemen," said Mr.

"Yes, I should judge so, doctor," laughed Waring; and, turning to the fire, he placed another stick under the cylinder, as if suffering from a chill. At an hour before sunset they saw on their left hand, and, as nearly as they could judge, about twelve miles away, the high headland of Escumenac.

"As well as she can be whin she's been workin' her fingers to the bone wid sewin' to keep from starvin'." "My God! what have I done?" "You've let Curtis Waring wind you around his little finger that's what you've done, Mr. Linden." "How soon can I see Florence?" "How soon can you bear it?" "The sooner the better." "Then it'll be to-morrow, I'm thinkin', that is if you won't tell Curtis."

Silver regained her life as if by magic; not so Waring, who lay suffering and irritable on the lounge in the long room, while the girl tended him with a joy that shone out in every word, every tone, every motion. She saw not his little tyrannies, his exacting demands, his surly tempers; or rather she saw and loved them as women do when men lie ill and helpless in their hands.

At once the whole truth flashed upon her mind, and starting up, she said, in a blended voice of grief and indignation "Surely, surely, Edward, you are not the man!" Before Allen could reply, Mrs. Waring said firmly: "Yes, it is too true. He is the man!" At this, Fanny grew deadly pale, staggered toward her mother, and sunk, sobbing wildly, upon her bosom.

He then walked out into the town, made some inquiries, which resulted in confirming the disastrous intelligence, wrote a cold and hurried note to Lady Waring, in which "circumstances over which I have no control" held a principal place, and a "necessary absence" was announced. Before the message was despatched, he was on his route for the Continent.

Sometimes, as he looked at the men who would never marry, he wondered what would become of him if Jack Waring appeared suddenly, if Barbara fell in love with some one else, if she fell out of love as quickly as she had fallen in love. . . . At the end of March a telegram from Folkestone announced her return and invited him to dine with her.

Waring says: "It is sufficiently understood, by all who have given the least thought to the subject, that the waste of the most vital elements of the soil's fertility, through our present practice of treating human excrement as a thing that is to be hurried into the sea, or buried in underground vaults, or in some other way put out of sight and out of reach, is full of danger to our future prosperity.

And if he had been a stronger or a healthier man, what little I did to him would never have killed him. I didn't mean to murder him. For that my remorse is far less poignant. But what I did after was far worse than the murder. I behaved like a sneak I behaved like a coward. I saw suspicion was aroused against the prisoner, Guy Waring. And what did I do then?

In the doorway of the church Percy took his arm, and asked him to point out the family tombstone. They stood by it, when Lady Elling and Mrs. Lovell came forth and walked to the carriage, receiving respectful salutes from the people of Warbeach. "How lovely she is!" said Robert. "Do you think her handsome?" said Major Waring. "I can't understand such a creature dying."