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Come now, Doll, I blew me ten bucks if I blew me a cent for that bunch of wool. Come now, let's see that dance you been blowing about! Go as far as you like, Doll!" "I honest, I was only guyin', Jimmie." "Don't be a quitter and make me sore, Doll! I wanna show 'em I pick the live ones every time. There's the music!" "Aw, I " "Go as far as you like, Doll. Here, gimme your hat! Go to it, sister.

"I been as much to you as you been to me and and I don't have to stand this no longer. Sure I can get out and and the sooner the better. I'm sick of getting down on my knees to you every time I wanna squeeze a little good time out of life. I'm tired paying up for the few dollars you gimme out of your envelop.

A spotlight turned the entire range of the spectrum upon her. She was like a spinning tulip, her draperies folding her in a cup of sheerest petals, her limbs shining through. "Classy, ain't she, Doll?" "Well, I guess!" "Wanna meet her? There ain't none of 'em that 'ain't sat at my table many a time." "I like it better with just you, Jimmie."

"We-ell, I dunno as he's a boom companion exactly, but Nebraska and his bunch spend a pile of money in the Starlight, a pile of money. A feller would be safe in saying that Rack Slimson's sympathy is with Nebraska." "Where you going?" demanded Swing Tunstall. "Over the hills and far away to pick the wild violets," chanted Racey. "You wanna come along? Better not.

I don' wanna git a duckin'! I I got a cold in my " Splash blub blub blub Toby's black little eyes seemed to twinkle with mischief as he gave a final tug and plunged the trainer into the water. Then while the man floundered about, the animal deliberately put his two front feet onto the edge of the shelf and reached out toward the pile of loaves.

"But they's one thing you wanna remember, Alicran. It don't pay to be squeamish. It comes high in the end usually. You'll find, if you keep on being mushy thisaway, that you'll have more'n you can swing at the finish." "Is that so? You leave me do things my own way, you hear? Lemme tell you if I'd 'a' knowed all what you was up to by coming to Dale's this mornin' I'd never have allowed it."

"Poor little filly!" More tears rushed to her eyes, as if he had touched the wellsprings of her self-compassion. "You gotta excuse me, Jimmie. I ain't cryin', only I'm dog tired from nursin' and drudgin', drudgin' and nursin'." "Hard luck, little un!" "Him layin' there and me tryin' to to make things meet. You gotta excuse me, Jimmie, I'm done up." "That's why I wanna blow you, sweetness.

The four at the table looked up. "We hadda fight today," said Braun in a queer voice. He was oddly pale. "We didn't finish. You wanna finish?" Haney growled. "That was a fool business," he said angrily. "That ain't any place to fight, up on the job! You know it!" "Yeah," said Braun in the same odd voice. "You wanna finish it now?" Haney said formidably: "I'm not dodgin' any fight.

The ashen sheaf of anxiety folded back from her, color ran up into her face, and she flung open the door, calling down the length of hallway. "Loo! Oh, Loo!" "Huh?" "Put a couple of bottles of everything on ice before you go, dearie; order a double porterhouse; open a can of them imported sausages he sent up last month, and peel some sweet-potatoes. Hurry, Loo, I wanna candy 'em myself.

"We wanna take possession soon as we can," persisted Luke Tweezy. "Shore you do," said the Judge, heartily. "No reason why you shouldn't wanna as I know of." "If you can't see yore way to getting at this business within a reasonable time I'll have to sue out a mandatory injunction against you, Judge, and " Dolan smiled wintrily. "What judge are you figuring on to grant this injunction?"