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John Wanamaker was born in Philadelphia in 1838, a poor boy with his way to make in the world. He received his education in the common schools, and at the age of fourteen, entered upon his business career as an errand boy in a book store. From that, he got a clerkship in a clothing store, and for some years acted as salesman, until he could save enough money to start a little store of his own.

When Stewart built the Business Palace, people said, "Oh, it is too far uptown nobody will go there." But they were wrong. When John Wanamaker moved in, many said, "Oh, it's beautiful but you know, it is too far downtown nobody will go there." And these were as wrong as the first. "Where McGinty sits is the head of the table."

Wanamaker was a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, who had organized an advisory campaign committee of business men which contributed and expended large sums of money during the canvass.

And when the peasants went on in spite of this, he turned upon them and denounced them to the princes; he issued proclamations which might have been the instructions of Mr. John Wanamaker to the police-force of his "City of Brotherly Love": "One cannot answer a rebel with reason, but the best answer is to hit him with the fist until blood flows from the nose."

For a seller to regard the buyer as his prey is worse than non-ethical it is immoral a violation of the Golden Rule. These things came to the young man, John Wanamaker, with a great throb and thrill, and he at once proceeded to put his theories into execution, and on them his business was founded.

Likewise, we can truthfully say that there is not a successful retail store in America that does not show the influence of A. T. Stewart and his legitimate successor, John Wanamaker. Success is rooted in reciprocity. He who does not benefit the world is headed for bankruptcy on the high-speed clutch. H. H. Rogers

John Wanamaker, but when he appealed for funds as they were then needed one of the poorest children in the city made practically the first and best contribution. She gathered bones from the alleyways, sold them and brought her few pennies to help make this wonderful work a success. Every man in his place. First: Let us remember that God has a plan for every life.

The idea grew into a carefully-formulated plan, and 1876 saw the start of the great Wanamaker department store, perhaps the most famous retail business in the world. Its tremendous success is an old story now, and it has found hundreds of imitators.

Rodman Wanamaker, of Philadelphia, and the tests of the ship under the supervision of a young British army officer who was to make the voyage were progressing most promisingly. But the event that plunged the world into war put a sudden end to experiments like this for the commercial development of the airplane.

One would think that the management of such a business would fully occupy any man, but Wanamaker found time for many public and benevolent interests.