United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Oh, Blue Bonnet, I could have slept twenty minutes yet," Carita wailed sleepily. "I can dress for a party in ten minutes. Yes, I can, honestly!" "Maybe in Texas! You're in Boston now. Boston means a cold bath with a good rub, and getting into your clothes for the day all of which takes time." At seven-thirty they were dressed, waiting for the breakfast-bell to ring.

"I wouldn't bother to hold up my head to tell her, Evelina," came from the doorway in Polk's delighted drawl as he and Jane stepped into the room. "Pretty comfortably placed, that head, I should say." "Oh, Jane!" I positively wailed as I extracted myself from the Crag's gray arms and buried myself in Jane's white serge ones that opened to receive me.

I had been asked to preach a sermon, which I essayed to do. The confusion was terrific. In order to be present themselves the mothers in Israel had been obliged to bring their children, and the most domestic of attentions were being bestowed upon them freely. They cried and wailed and expostulated with their parents in audible tones until I was nearly frantic. I found myself shouting consoling platitudes to a sobbing, grief-stricken band of relatives and endeavouring to drown the noise of the children by roaring the lion's part

"They have brought them back!" she said dramatically. "They are out there now; I distinctly heard Jim's voice. Open that door, Dallas!" "Oh, DON'T let them in!" I wailed. It was quite involuntary, but the disappointment was too awful. "Dallas, DON'T open that door!" Dal swung his feet and smiled from Bella to me. "Think what a solution it is to all our difficulties," he said easily.

In the morning he awoke as well as ever, feeling no bad consequences from the hardships of the preceding day. The next morning a freezing gale from the north wailed through the snow-whitened forest, and the cold was almost unendurable. The earnest persuasions of his brother and his wife induced him to remain with them for the day.

"Want any money?" She looked at him. He was not unlike John Barrymore in The Jest, and Warble fell for him afresh. "You are so beautiful " she wailed. "I wish you loved me " "I wish I did," he returned, honestly, "but you are such a butter-ball." "Oh, Butterfly Thenter calls anybody Butter-ball who weights over ninety-five! If you're so cut up about it I won't live under this roof another minute!

"The horses are quieting down now, and Noddy seems as much at home as anywhere, so I reckon it was only strangeness that made them act queer," said Eleanor. "But something may pounce out upon us, and take us unawares!" wailed Barbara. "I propose to smoke them out as soon as I make a fire!" said Polly, looking about in the darkness of the cave for a possible stick of wood, but not finding any.

I'm director of our company till I quit see? I'll arrange for your transportation home " "Aw, gwan! Who said we was goin' home?" wailed Happy Jack distressfully. "Now, listen! You're entitled to your transportation money. That doesn't mean you'll have to use it for that purpose sabe? It's coming to you, and you get it.

The wind came up stronger across the Barren; the storm broke fresh from the north, the spruce and the balsam wailed over his head, and he could hear the moaning sweep of the blizzard out in the open spaces.

It's you, on the contrary, who go down on your knees, who pour forth apologies about our being vagabonds." "Vagabonds listen to her! after the education I've given her and our magnificent prospects!" wailed Mrs. Rooth, sinking with clasped hands upon the nearest ottoman. "Not after our prospects, if prospects they be: a good deal before them.