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And then came "Wild Bill". This wrangling over German and British gave him a pain in the guts. Couldn't they see, the big stiffs, that they were playing the masters' game? Quarrelling among themselves, when they ought to be waking up the workers, getting ready for the real fight. And wizened-up little Stankewitz broke in again that vas vy he hated var, it divided the vorkers.

Nevaire vould I heard even dat name if I didn't take care o' Stephen, when Jake vas off on a bust or doin' a job for Chuff." "Funny we never got on to this line o' talk before," mused Kit. "I don't see vy 'funny. You and me always haf something better to talk about, Katchen. And till dese nine days in dis hole, we never 'ad too much time together."

Donkin, who had been stupefied with fear, revived suddenly and began to shout: "'Ear 'im; that's the way they tawlk to us. Vy donch 'ee 'it 'im one ov yer? 'It 'im. 'It 'im! Comin' the mate over us. We are as good men as 'ee! We're all goin' to 'ell now. We 'ave been starved in this rotten ship, an' now we're goin' to be drowned for them black 'earted bullies! 'It 'im!"

"A whitebait dinner for two, the Magnet reaches Greenwich first." "What should you know about the Magnet?" inquires the mate of the Royal Adelaide. "Vy, I think I should know something about nauticals too, for Lord St. Wincent was my godfather." "I'll bet five shillings on the Royal Adelaide." "I'll take you," says another. "I'll bet a bottom of brandy on the Magnet," roars out the mate.

"Why did you not shift your canvass before we started?" said I to the Dutch captain, or mate, or whatever he might be. "Vy vont you be content to take a quiet passage and hax no question?" was the uncivil rejoinder, which I felt inclined to resent, until I remembered that we were in the hands of the Philistines, where a quarrel would have been worse than useless.

Vanslyperken read it over. It was an acknowledgment for the sum of fifty guineas, but not specifying for what service. He did not much like to sign it, but how could he refuse? Besides, as the Jew said, it was only to prove that the money was paid; nevertheless he objected. "Vy vill you not sign? I must not lose my monish, and I shall lose it if you do not sign.

Fie, lad! you be sarved right; stick by your border, then you'll be 'spected when you gets into trouble, and not be 'varsally 'spised, as you'll be arter church-time! Vell, I can't be seen 'sorting with you, now you are in this d'rogotary fix; it might hurt my c'r'acter, both with them as built the stocks and them as wants to pull 'em down. Old kettles to mend! Vy, you makes me forgit the Sabbath!

Perfectly,” replied Mr Bunker, with great gravity. “Zen vy did ze Lady Hilton schream and ze ozzer Lady Hilton cry, ‘Ach, zat German man!’ And vy did ze old lady schream to ze gentleman, ‘Send him avay! How dare you? Insolence!’ and suchlike vords?” “What remarkable conduct, my dear Baron!” said Mr Bunker. “Remargable!” roared the justly incensed Baron. “Is it not more zan remargable?

'He's just as much off his grub as he vos when he com'd in; never see'd an 'oss more reg'larly dished more 'Well, well, said Mr. Sponge, interrupting the catalogue of grievances; 'I s'pose I must do as you say I s'pose I must do as you say: what sort of a day is it? 'Vy, the day's not a bad day; at least that's to say, it's not a wery haggrivatin' day.

And vy, tovarish? Because dey know vat it means ven capitalists come to make new governments for Russia. It means bonds de French, de British debt! You know?" "Sure, I know," said Jimmie. "It is billions, fifteen billions of roubles to France alone. De Bolsheviki have said, 'Ve do not pay dem so quick. And for vy? Vat did dey do vit dat money! Dey loaned it to de Tsar, and for vat?