United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Abandoning all effort, therefore, to gain the bank beside him, he swam with the current, but edged towards the shore as he floated down. "Hallo! La Roche!" he exclaimed loudly. "Do you hear? do you understand me?" "Ah! oui, vraiment. I not dead yit." "Then let go that rod and seize my collar, and mind, sink deep in the water. Show only enough o' your face to breathe with, or I'll drown ye."

"Monsieur?" said his companion. "I say that I should like to dwell there," answered Redding. "It is a splendid country, and will be better known in days to come." "Vraiment, truly, a magnifircent kontry," returned Le Rue, "gorgeows, magnifique! I vould giv moche, ver moche, to have leetil cottage, an vife, an cow, an pigs dere."

It mattered not to him that the picture was very old, that it had been painted by Giorgio Barbarelli centuries before his "Maria" could have lived; he simply declares: "Il est vraiment d une ressemblance admirable, ressemblant jusqu'au silence de la mort!"

"And the trimmings ah, of a charm that no one could describe."... "Beem!" squeaked the comb... "stalks of barley"... "beem-beem"... "of a perfect naturalness"... "and the flowers, poppies, of a beauty" "bee-eeem beeem"... "oh, oh, vraiment" Mademoiselle buried her face in her pillow and put her fingers to her ears.

"Vraiment" he looked curiously at me, not disagreeably in the least. "Pourquoi vous etes ici?" "I don't know" I said smiling pleasantly, "except that my friend wrote some letters which were intercepted by the French censor." "Ah," he remarked. "C'est tout." And I departed. "Proceed!" cried the Black Holster.

Of a large and robust type of physical beauty, Nature seems to have endowed him on every hand with splendid gifts. Such a man as this could say with calm simplicity to Marie Antoinette, who inquired one night about his new opera of "Armida," then nearly finished: "Madame, il est bientôt fini, et vraiment ce sera superbe."

"Monsieur le medecin, le nouveau." The doctor got up. "Open your shirt." I did. "Take down your pants." I did. "All right." Then, as the planton was about to escort me from the room: "English?" he asked with curiosity. "No" I said, "American." "Vraiment" he contemplated me with attention. "South American are you?" "United States" I explained.

"Que Monsieur l'Anglais est drole: et voyez Moustache, comme il a l'air content vraiment c'est un chien d'esprit." "Allez, Moustache," said his master, who was now all smiles, "donnez la patte a monsieur donnez donc. Ah, sare, he forgive you, I am very sure il n'a pas de malice, but he is afraid of de cigar. De burnt shild dred de vater, as your great Shakespeare say."

They clustered round us, applauded my resolve, to see what was to be seen, as perfectly national, vraiment Français; kicked my postilion till he mounted his horse, beat my sulky courier with the flats of their little swords, and would have bastinadoed, or probably hanged him, if I had not interposed; and, finally, hoisting me into the calèche, which they loaded with half a dozen of their number before and behind, commenced our march into Paris.

M. César promised a compensative proportion of all three qualities, could I only "draw him out"; and besides, he was not like Mr. Canning's "Knife-Grinder," for, evidently, he had a story to tell. Observing my scrutiny, he smiled; a singular, ironical smile it was, yet without a particle of bitterness or of cynicism. "Eh, bien!" said he; "you stare, Monsieur! you sink me an excentrique. Vraiment!