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Presently the young man turned and showed, beyond doubt, the countenance of Horace Lord. He met her eyes, gave a doubtful, troubled look, and was going past when Fanny accosted him. 'Well, don't you know me? 'Why, it is it really is! How glad I am to see you! But what on earth are you doing here? 'Amusing myself comme vous voyez; and you? 'Oh, doing the same.

"This ball," interrupted Darvid, "is necessary to me for various reasons, and will take place in our house after a few weeks." "Oh, my father," said Irene, with a nervous, dry laugh, "je vous adresse ma sommation respectueuse, that it should not take place!

What makes me hope that it was not part of my rhapsody to Lord C. is, that generally my sheets to him are barbouilled on all the sides, and I know there was nothing of that. Tirez-moi de mon incertitude, si vous le pouvez, Lord Stafford has just been with me. He says that he had a letter from Windsor this morning.

Some of these questions will be quite difficult even for you." Well, the monument was not difficult to find, at all events. We accosted two or three small boys and demanded boldly of one of them, "Ou est le monument de Pestalozzi, s'il vous plait?" He shrugged his shoulders like an American small boy and said vacantly, "Je ne sais pas."

Monsieur du Boccage is another of your panegyrists; and he tells me that Madame Boccage 'a pris avec vous le ton de mie et de bonne'; and that you like it very well.

He began to look at her hand and his, following their movements almost like a child. "If we are all right together, obviously all right, very, very par-ti-cu-lar-ly all right voyez vous, mon petit chou? they will think nothing of it. 'Poor Mr. Carey! What a pity the Duke's champagne is so good! That's what they'll say.

Pleasant enough it had been to hold up occasionally these democratic abstractions for the purpose of challenging the world's admiration and cheaply acquiring the character of lovers of liberty and equality. Frederick of Prussia, apostrophizing the shades of Cato and Brutus, "Vous de la liberte heros que je revere,"

"I wish my children constantly to remember," said he, "how hard their ancestors toiled, and how poorly they lived, in order to ensure better days to those who should come after them." "And they will remember it," said a voice close behind us. I turned round. "Madame Ménou, j'ai l'honneur de vous présenter notre voisin, Monsieur Howard."

She disliked the hair-powder necessary to Adrienne Lecouvreur and Gabrielle de Belle Isle, although her beauty, for all its severity, did not lose picturesqueness in the costumes of the time of Louis XV. As Gabrielle she was more girlish and gentle, pathetic, and tender, than was her wont, while the signal fervor of her speech addressed to Richelieu, beginning, "Vous mentez, Monsieur le Duc," stirred the audience to the most excited applause.

Your friend Clairant interposed, and said, 'Mais je vous assure qu'il est fort poli'; to which I answered, 'Je le crois bien, vis-a-vis des Lapons vos amis; je vous recuse pour juge, jusqu'a ce que vous ayez ete delaponne, au moins dix ans, parmi les honnetes gens'. These testimonies in your favor are such as perhaps you are satisfied with, and think sufficient; but I am not; they are only the cold depositions of disinterested and unconcerned witnesses, upon a strict examination.