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I have often thought, since dat day, vot an awful gall you had. But it is all ofer now. You vatch your poots vile you are in New Chersey, for plenty of dose cavalry-men are all around here.

I do not want to tell how they alarmed the mother at her late sewing and dragged Gottlieb out of his bed. I shudder now when I recall one such outrage to which I was an unwilling witness. Norman threw the rope round Gottlieb's neck and declared for hanging. Bill Day agreed. It would be so ludikerous, you know! "Vot hash I tun? Hey?

"Nosey took charge of her, and threatened to kill any one vot spoke to her; but I believe that she got a knife and stabbed herself, sooner than submit to his vishes." "This is horrid," I said, hardly knowing whether to believe all that I heard, or consider it the effect of imagination. "Nevertheless, it is true.

Y'unnerstand, dis is a feature picture ve're makin' now; a night picture, a big mob scene.". "Mob scene?" said Carpenter. "You have so many mobs in this world of yours!" "Vell, sure," said T-S. "You gotta take dis vorld de vay you find it. Y'can't change human nature, y'know. But dis vot you're gonna see tonight is only a play mob, y'unnerstand."

In another week the survey party is ready to break camp for return journey. Accompanied by Karl Ludwig, Oswald visits the graves of the highwaymen and places thereon bunches of wild flowers gathered from slope of the Himalayas. Karl laughs at this whim of the Englishman. "Vot sendimendals! Bud id vill nod hurdt you, und der flowers vitter any vay." Karl's arm was "in evidence."

If we could get all de wage slaves to come und see dot barade, we make dem all Bolsheviks pretty quick! Hey, Comrade Gudge?" "Yes, I guess so," said Peter, still more coldly. "We show dem vot de money goes for hey, Comrade Gudge!" And Comrade Schnitzelmann chuckled, and Peter said, quickly, "Well, good-bye," and without introducing his lady-love took her by the arm and hurried away.

"Vot ain't de matter?" asked the German, half angrily at the check, when there was so much necessity for haste. "See?" asked Jack, in turn, pointing to the logs as seen through the trees. Otto nodded his head. It was enough, and he made a desperate rush to reach the refuge, catching his foot and falling headlong again.

The young lady got out, and the hold folks driv back. I did not go arter them!" and Beck looked sly. "So! I must find out the name." "I axed at the public," said Beck, proud of his diplomacy. "They keeps a sarvant vot takes half a pint at her meals. The young lady's mabe a foriner." "A foreigner! Then she lives there with her mother?" "So they s'pose at the public." "And the name?"

"Is there no piece of tomfoolery too great for you? What's come across you now? Where the deuce did you get these things?" taking hold of the curls at one side of his mustachios. "How now?" roared Mr. Jorrocks with rage and astonishment. "How now! ye young scaramouch, vot do you mean by insulting a gentleman sportsman in broad daylight, in the presence of a lady of quality?

"Vot ish dot you seem to laugh mit?" he demanded, in an injured voice; "I see nodings." When the others had somewhat recovered from their mirth, Otto began laughing with scarcely less heartiness than they showed. The absurd occurrence seemed slow to impress itself upon his consciousness. Deerfoot did not allow himself to remain idle many minutes.