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I repeated my application, and after the girl had interpreted my request to her mother, I was asked into the lobby, and put through a kind of catechism. Was I a seamstress? No, but I wished to become one. Had I aiver vorked on vaistcoats? I hadn't, but I could do anything with my needle. "Very vell, ve'll see what she can do."

'I am werry sorry to have the pleasure of being a Bear of ill news your Mother in law cort cold consekens of imprudently settin too long on the damp grass in the rain a hearing of a shepherd who warnt able to leave off till late at night owen to his having vound his-self up vith brandy and vater and not being able to stop his-self till he got a little sober which took a many hours to do the doctor says that if she'd svallo'd varm brandy and vater artervards insted of afore she mightn't have been no vus her veels wos immedetly greased and everythink done to set her agoin as could be inwented your father had hopes as she vould have vorked round as usual but just as she wos a turnen the corner my boy she took the wrong road and vent down hill vith a welocity you never see and notvithstandin that the drag wos put on directly by the medikel man it wornt of no use at all for she paid the last pike at twenty minutes afore six o'clock yesterday evenin havin done the journey wery much under the reglar time vich praps was partly owen to her haven taken in wery little luggage by the vay your father says that if you vill come and see me Sammy he vill take it as a wery great favor for I am wery lonely Samivel n. b. he VILL have it spelt that vay vich I say ant right and as there is sich a many things to settle he is sure your guvner wont object of course he vill not Sammy for I knows him better so he sends his dooty in which I join and am Samivel infernally yours

"Sure, I know," said Stankewitz, "I vorked in both them cities, and I vas every bit so hungry under Rothschild as I vas under the Kaiser." Then Comrade Gerrity, organizer of the local, took his turn.

Perhaps you vill give me someting to eat den I haf had noffing since yesterday morning, und I haf vorked myself near to death here. If I could haf known it vas like dis, I vould never haf come for such money as you gif me." At this moment she chanced to look round, and saw Jurgis: She shook her finger at him. "You understand me," she said, "you pays me dot money yust de same!

When Houghton was disposed to consider a college man for a vacancy, Kaufmann had always been ready with his "practical man dot has vorked hiss vay." And the college applicant had been sent away. Young Johann Kaufmann graduated from grammar school. Houghton suggested high school and college. "Vat? Nein!" said the elder Kaufmann. "I show him how better the gum to make." And he did.

"She hadn't ought to told me those quarters she put in that box was mine, when they was to pay the gas man." Mrs. Kranz eyed the complainant shrewdly. "Why vor shouldt you pe paid vor he'pin' your mamma yedt?" she asked. "You vouldn't haf gone from school home yedt undt helped her, if it hadn't been for vat she toldt you about de money. You vorked for de money every time aind't idt?"

'Vod is the madder? Darco cried, rushing towards Paul, and leaning over him with instant solicitude. Darco's collaborateur was smitten with a sudden shame and repentance. 'A kind of spasm, he said breathlessly 'a pain just here. Darco helped him to his feet. 'You are too emotional, tear poy,'he said; 'you are too easily vorked upon.

He owned up he vas new, an' vanted some vun vhat knew to tell him vhat vas goin' on. 'Course I could do it. Me an' my vife give him addresses an' a lot of items. He vorked 'em up good. Dot up-town page is gettin' first-rate. He says he don' know vhat he'd have done if he hadn't turned up here dot day." Tembarom, having "caught on" to his fault of style, applied himself with vigor to elimination.

Holding up three stumps where fingers should have been, he cried out, choking with tears: "My vriends, for vifteen years I vorked at making brooms me und my vife from fife in the morning until six at night, und I loose mine fingern trying to save enough money to puy a house that we could call our own. Then when we saved eight hundred dollars this man come to us und sold us a lot.