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Gamp of the belcher necktie, the mother-of-pearl buttons and the coloured waistcoat of the voluble Cheap Jack of little Paul's sweet face and gentle accents of the one eye and the well-known pair of Wellingtons, adorning the head and legs of Mr. Wackford Squeers of Sam's imperturbable nonchalance and of Mr. Peggotty's hearty, briny, sou'-wester of a voice and general demeanour!

I believed it, dully and hopelessly, as a boy believes what is told him by a voluble elderly person of obvious respectability. But what a detestable theory of life, what an ugly picture of Divine incompetence!

I have always found an unaccountable pleasure in dissecting, as it were, my heart; uncovering, one by one, its many folds, and laying it before you, as a country is shown in a map. This voluble tongue and this prompt, pen! what volumes have I talked to you on that bewitching theme, myself! And yet, loquacious as I am, I never interrupted you when you were talking.

As for the Admiralty, she said, it had no characteristic but the abominable one, that it hated a woman. The squire laid two or three moderately coarse traps for the voluble frank creature, which she evaded with surprising neatness, showing herself more awake than one would have imagined her.

He chuckled, rubbed his hands, and incessantly hummed snatches from the Twelfth Mass. Also, he was voluble. "To-morrow morning we'll be up with the Horn. We'll shave it by a dozen or fifteen miles. Think of it! We'll just steal around! I never had such luck, and never expected to. Old girl Elsinore, you're rotten for'ard, but the hand of God is at your helm."

The shopwoman was quite voluble about you, saying she knew all the time that you were an American by the accent, and described the bag and ulster which we had ascertained were in your possession. Of course, we were now satisfied that we were on the right scent, but could get no further trace or the direction taken by the cab.

It was now Rachel's turn to laugh a musical little roulade; but somehow her talk was neither so gay, nor so voluble, as it used to be. She liked to listen; she would not for the world their little conversation ended before its time; but there was an unwonted difficulty in finding anything to say. 'It is quite true; I am more a stay-at-home than I used to be.

Conny, who had turned from the constant Woodyard to the voluble fat man, who might be a Somebody, remarked: "I suppose you don't see the puddles when you are in their condition. It's always the belief that we are going to escape 'em that drives us all into your arms." "What I object to," Fosdick persisted, feeding himself prodigiously, "is not the fact, but this savage glee over it.

"Well, you look like a soldier," he remarked. "You are like one of those soldiers who came over from France to help us in the Revolution." This tribute being silently accepted, the landlord grew voluble as his guest continued reserved. "We have our own troubles with lords, too, right here in New York State," he said confidentially.

Then, it is said, Ascanius first aimed his flying shaft in war, wont before to frighten beasts of the chase, and struck down a brave Numanian, Remulus by name, but lately allied in bridal to Turnus' younger sister. He advancing before his ranks clamoured things fit and unfit to tell, and strode along lofty and voluble, his heart lifted up with his fresh royalty.