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It is all my fault, and you shall have the money now if I have to pay it out of my own pocket. Besides," said Mr. Chelm with voluble eagerness, "there is very little harm done after all; and to prevent misunderstanding, I may as well make a clean breast of it. My client is an eccentric maiden-lady of sixty-five, with a lot of distant relatives who bother her life out while waiting for her to die.

The entire room took on the picture of one great eye, and that eye centred on the party of three as, in fact, it naturally would. But Edward felt that the eye was on him, wondering why he should be there. What he ate and what he said he does not recall. General Grant, not a voluble talker himself, gently drew the boy out, and Mrs.

But the mate said, 'No; he's taken them unawares. 'Unawares be d d! said I; 'he's not taken these gunboat chaps unawares, for I couldn't get them to stop firing." "He's off again!" interjected Yaunie. "All right, all right!" replied the impatient captain to his voluble compatriot. "Come to breakfast as quick as you can, there's a good fellow."

She turned pale, swayed, and would have fallen if Judith had not caught her. Old Dr. Blair came forward briskly. "Carry her in," he said, "and don't all of you come crowding in, either. She wants quiet and rest for a spell." Most of the people obediently returned to the church, their sudden loosened tongues clattering in voluble excitement.

Phillips had always felt herself. Joan could have kissed the voluble, emphatic little woman. But the dyed hair and the paint put up a fight for themselves. "I want you to do something very brave," said Joan. She had invited herself to tea with Mrs. Phillips, and they were alone in the small white- panelled room that they were soon to say good-bye to. The new house would be ready at Christmas.

But he was commonly trying to find out something, or to produce some impression, as a juggler is working at his miracle while he keeps people's attention by his voluble discourse and make-believe movements.

In abrupt and passing impressions he concluded that Aunt Mary was bright and pleasant, but tediously voluble, given to wasting that time which he would have liked to spend talking to the young ladies of poetry and Italy. He scorned poor Aunt Hester. She shrank from him, frightened by his harsh, blunt manners; she was afraid he led a sinful life in London.

Titius, who was indeed a voluble Speaker, and possessed a ready comprehension, but he was so loose and effeminate in his gesture, as to furnish room for the invention of a dance, which was called the Titian jigg: so careful should we be to avoid every oddity in our manner of speaking, which may afterwards be exposed to ridicule by a ludicrous imitation.

Fuse them together in proper proportions for a few generations, the improvident and dreamy with the thrifty and energetic, the voluble with the reticent, the romantic and humorous with the truthful and blunt of speech, the fiery and impulsive with the sober of thought, and how greatly is the type improved in the new race evolved from the union of both.

The courtyard, when Odo descended, fairly bubbled with the voluble joy of the fat soprano, who was giving directions to the servants, receiving commissions and instructions from the aunts, assuring everybody of his undying devotion to the heir-presumptive of Pianura, and citing impressive instances of the responsibilities with which the great of the earth had formerly entrusted him.