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The question as to whether a particular nation is a Kultur Volk or whether it is only a rabble of slaves depends entirely on whether the facies is square or oval, brachycephalic or oligocephalic. It depends entirelyto use the pedantic jargon of the anthropologiston thecephalic indexof the race. The historical sciences are called in to support the conclusions of ethnology.

"Order Lieutenant Myers to take his men and report to Major Von Volk," commanded the German officer of his aide. The troopers, with the exception of the four who guarded the car, wheeled and rode away. The officer turned again to the automobile. "Leave the car," he ordered the four occupants.

Volk began my bust, there was the animal himself! And this was about the last, if not the last, remark I ever heard him utter, except the good-bye and his good wishes for my success." Saturday, May 19, the committee of the Chicago convention arrived at Springfield to notify Mr. Lincoln of his nomination. The Hon.

But in addition to that there are the towns of Fordsburgh, which is half Dutch, and two other suburbs which also have a Dutch population; and it is believed that these will afford seats for members of the Responsible British Party with the support of Het Volk. I must say further that the British community upon the Rand is divided into four main political parties.

If one permits a wholly foreign race subject to other impulses to participate therein, the purity of the organic expression is falsified and the existence of the Volk is crippled....

Not dead institutions but living principles determine the nature of the new constitutional order. In developing his thesis Huber points out that the National Socialist state rests on three basic concepts, the Volk or people, the Führer, and the movement or party.

Burghers old, be up and sing, God save the Volk and land, Then, Burghers young, your anthem ring, o'er veldt, o'er hill, o'er strand. And, Burghers all, stand ye or fall For hearths and homes at country's call. With wisdom, Lord, our rulers guide, and these Thy people bless, May we with nations all abide in peace and righteousness.

About once every four days, or even oftener, a new edition of this work was issued. By the middle of December 1914 the eighty-fourth edition was in print." Karl Hildebrand, Ein starkes Volk, p. 108.

No very abstruse argumentation is needed, in the first place, to prove that the powers, or faculties, of all kinds of living matter, diverse as they may be in degree, are substantially similar in kind. Goethe has condensed a survey of all the powers of mankind into the well-known epigram: "Warum treibt sich das Volk so und schreit?

I am convinced she will not refuse to see Mr Blifil at a proper time." "The devil she won't!" answered the squire. "Odsbud! Don't we know I say nothing, but some volk are wiser than all the world. If I might have had my will, she had not run away before: and now I expect to hear every moment she is guone again.