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Francois, although listening to his brother, had for some time kept his eyes in that direction, as if admiring the flowers. All at once, interrupting the conversation, he exclaimed, "Voila! look yonder humming-birds!" Now the sight of humming-birds is not so common in America as travellers would have you believe. Even in Mexico, where the species are numerous, you will not see them every day.

"But you are a Frenchman yourself, Louis," I remarked. "But, monsieur," he answered, "I live in London. Voila tout. One cannot write menus there for long, and succeed. One needs inspiration." "And you find it here?" I asked. Louis shrugged his shoulders. "Paris, monsieur," he answered, "is my home.

"Give me another pistol." "You cannot do it alone," said Halby, hope, however, in his voice. "I will do it, or it will do me, voila!" Pierre replied. Halby passed over a pistol. "I'll never forget it, on my honour, if you do it," he said. Pierre mounted his horse and said, as if a thought had struck him: "If I stand for the law in this, will you stand against it some time for me?"

I must laugh, it was so very droll." Then he flashed round on Bullard. "But listen, pig-hog, and I tell you the secret of the dreadful, fearful, terrible, awful green fluid! I know the secret, for I make it myself. It is a kind of fish what you call a cod understand? And I make it with the oil of castor and some nice colourings! Voila! I could laugh for weeks and fortnights, and "

'Gustave tells me you would not listen to him. Do you want to make me curse our meeting? Be a man and leave me to myself! While I know that you are on the watch I shall keep away from Paris voila, tout. I shall eat my heart out, I shall begin to hate you, you will have chosen it so. Only understand this: I will never see you again, for both our sakes, if I can help it.

But, however untenable this supposition of a fixed state in the surface of this earth, the accuracy of the natural philosopher may still be observed in the absurdity of the proposition. «L'état des montagnes sera fixe, partout les rivières seront arrivées au point de n'emporter pas plus de limon hors de leur enceinte, que l'air et les pluies n'y déposeront de terre végétable, et voila enfin quel sera le repos, l'état permanent de la surface de notre globe.

Albert gave a short, derisive laugh, and shrugged his shoulders, which made his admiring mother throw back her head with a gesture, inviting the Abbe to contemplate, with satisfaction, the mother of so brave a man. "Voila," she said, "but tell us, my son, what is in the letter?" "Not yet," was the reply. "It is to be read to all when they are assembled. In the mean time "

Virginia shivered, and half-opened her eyes, but did not stir. It seemed that the darkness sighed, then became musical again. "La plus jeun' se reveille, Vole, mon coeur, vole! La plus jeun' se reveille Ma Soeur, voila le jour! The song broke this time without a word of pleading. The girl opened her eyes wide and stared breathlessly straight before her at the singer.

'She seems to have stepped out of a book of French memoirs, said her ladyship. 'La vie galante et devote voila la Comtesse. In contradistinction to the other ladies, she did not detest the Countess because she could not like her. 'Where 's the harm in her? she asked. 'She doesn't damage the men, that I can see. And a person you can laugh at and with, is inexhaustible.

Let us suppose that once, in Thessaly, there was a genial spring, and there was a poet who sang of it. All later poets have sung the same song. "Voila tout!" That is the root of poetry. Another delusion. We hear toward evening, high in air, the "conk" of the wild-geese. Looking up, you see the black specks of that adventurous triangle, winging along in rapid flight northward.