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F. TIM.: Se voi non fate orazione, si. Priestly arrogance and unctuousness, and trickeries and casuistries, cannot be painted without our discovering a likeness in the long Italian gallery. Goldoni sketched the Venetian manners of the decadence of the Republic with a French pencil, and was an Italian Scribe in style.

In the mean time, good-bye, mamma. I kiss your hand a thousand times, and remain, till death, your attached son. Io vi auguro d'Iddio, vi dia sempre salute, e vi lasci vivere ancora cent' anni e vi faccia morire quando avrete mille anni. Spero che voi impararete meglio conoscermi ni avvenire e che poi ne giudicherete come ch' egli vi piace. Il tempo non mi permette di scriver motto.

I said I did not know, but we could try a dog and see. So he sent out an aide-de-camp to give the order to add the dog. They formed in line of battle, and recited, one at a time, thus: "IO HO UN CANE, I have a dog." "TU HAI UN CANE, thou hast a dog." "EGLI HA UN CANE, he has a dog." "NOI ABBIAMO UN CANE, we have a dog." "VOI AVETE UN CANE, you have a dog." "EGLINO HANNO UN CANE, they have a dog."

She listlessly extended her arm and filled it to the brim with Cyprian and a sweetened Oriental wine which I afterward found so bitter on the deserted Lido. "Here," she said, presenting it to me, "per voi, bambino mio." "For you and for me," I said, presenting her my glass in turn. She moistened her lips while I emptied my glass, unable to conceal the sadness she seemed to read in my eyes.