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Early in the morning we ran down to the sitting room where our stockings were hanging from the mantel shelf filled by Santa Claus with Christmas gifts, with more piled on the table for our friends and for poor families. That was what an effusive writer once called the "halcyon and vociferous" beginning of the day.

They are very vociferous, and, like the common parrots, rise up in bodies towards sunset and fly two and two to their place of rest. It is a grand sight in ornithology to see thousands of aras flying over your head, low enough to let you have a full view of their flaming mantle. The Indians find their flesh very good, and the feathers serve for ornaments in their head- dresses.

My Father, as the spring advanced, used to come up to the Boxroom, as my retreat was called, and hunt me out into the sunshine. But I soon crept back to my mania. It gave him much trouble, and Miss Marks, who thought it sheer idleness, was vociferous in objection. She would gladly have torn up all my writings and paintings, and have set me to a useful task.

They will be inclined to make your change of political conviction the subject of vociferous attacks, and that might injure the cause.” What was the old Baron really thinking about while he delivered this political speech? There was just one thought in his mind; the same sullen, concealed anger gnawed incessantly at his heart.

As he stepped into the room, his eyes swept the faces of the gamblers and again he burst into vociferous song: "O-o-o-o-o-h, w-h-e-r-e is my wanderin' b-o-y tonight?" "Hey, you! Whad'ye think this is, a camp meetin'?" The Texan faced the speaker. "Well, if it ain't my old college chum! Fatty, I stopped in a purpose to see you.

And here he was indeed powerful, overbearing resistance by the strength of conviction and the simple exhibition of Catholic truth. The sight of a man anywhere, whom he could but suspect of aptitude for his views, was the signal for his emphatic affirmation of them, sometimes leading him to controversy bordering on the vociferous on cars and steamboats.

The noble countenance of Prince Eugene expressed the great joy he felt in the presence of his step-father, for whom he had always so much respect and filial affection, and in hearing the incessant acclamations of the people, which grew more vociferous every moment.

The statue of Pan in knickerbockers, his wreaths still on his head and shoulders, joined in the dance. The Empress led the vociferous applause, and Prince Metternich came forward on the stage and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are deeply flattered at your approval. There will be a second performance before his Majesty, the Emperor of the French, and I hope you will accord us your patronage."

And the first blow had excited the onlookers to take vociferous sides; the first weapon had roused their lingering instincts of antagonism; and the first drop of blood had driven a dozen of them headlong into the mêlée. Before Conrad and Torrance arrived, knives and knife-ended knuckle-dusters and clubs were swinging.

Laidlaw of course thinks it the finest thing in the world. May 18. Went to Jedburgh to the election, greatly against the wishes of my daughters. The mob were exceedingly vociferous and brutish, as they usually are now-a-days. But the Sheriff had two troops of dragoons at Ancrum Bridge, and all went off quietly.