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Caraher's red face suddenly took on a darker colour. The red glint in his eyes shot from under his eyebrows. Furious, he vented a rolling explosion of oaths. "And now it's your turn," he vociferated. "They ain't after only the big wheat-growers, the rich men. By God, they'll even pick the poor man's pocket. Oh, they'll get their bellies full some day. It can't last forever.

Wyatt stood up in the stern-sheets and coolly demanded of Captain Hardy that the boat should be put back for the purpose of taking in his oblong box! "Sit down, Mr. Wyatt," replied the Captain, somewhat sternly; "you will capsize us if you do not sit quite still. Our gunwale is almost in the water now." "The box!" vociferated Mr. Wyatt, still standing, "the box, I say!

Sir Patrick O'Prism. Troth, with all my heart; for, by my soul, I'm bothered completely. Squire Headlong. Agreed, then; you, and I, and Chromatic. Bumpers! Come, strike up. Squire Headlong, Mr Chromatic, and Sir Patrick O'Prism, each holding a bumper, immediately vociferated the following A heeltap! a heeltap! I never could bear it! So fill me a bumper, a bumper of claret!

But presently the malcontents had their reflections cut short in a very rude and unexpected manner. That is to say, they were brought back to practicalities by coming into violent collision with a six-horsed vehicle, while upon their heads descended both a babel of cries from the ladies inside and a storm of curses and abuse from the coachman. "Ah, you damned fool!" he vociferated.

"Stand back!" shouted his parent. "You do not know so well as me; dere is dandger. Mitout attention he will eggsplode." "I want to play with ut," protested August, beginning to cry. "Ach, soh; you cry, bube!" vociferated Mr. Sieppe. "Mommer," addressing Mrs. Sieppe, "he will soh soon be ge-whipt, eh?" "I want my boa-wut," screamed August, dancing. "Silence!" roared Mr. Sieppe.

And then a dim lamp, a table with a rusty sword across it, and a spectre all in white to draw aside one's curtains at midnight " "In truth," said an old gentleman at one end of the table, "you put me in mind of an anecdote " "Oh, a ghost story! a ghost story!" was vociferated round the board, every one edging his chair a little nearer.

"The dismissal and disgrace of M. de Calonne were scarcely known before all Paris vociferated that they were owing to the intrigues of the favourite De Polignac, in consequence of his having refused to administer to her own superfluous extravagance and the Queen's repeated demands on the Treasury to satisfy the numerous dependants of the Duchess.

The stout German thundered an oath and heaved to his feet, fumbling at his hip and babbling broken profanity. Dawson swung the image and stepped towards him. "Keep still," he cried, "or I'll brain you!" "Der hell!" vociferated the German, and fired swiftly at him. The room filled with smoke, and Dawson, staggering unhurt, but with his face stung with powder, did not see the man fall.

I 'ad a remarkable strong growth when I was quite a boy. While other boys was " "Shut-up!" vociferated Mr. Kidd. "Sha'n't!" said Mr. Gibbs, defiantly. "I've 'ad enough of being away from my comfortable little 'ome and my wife; and I'm going to let 'em start growing agin this very night. She'll never reckernize me without 'em, that's certain." "He's right, Bob," said Mr. Brown, with conviction.

"Toler'ble fat," she commented with grave self-complacence. "He 'minds me sorter o' that thar tremenjious buck we hed las' September. HE war the fattes' buck I ever see. Take off his hide right straight." The big cap-ruffle flapped didactically. "Lor'-a massy, woman!" vociferated the testy old man; "ain't I a- goin' ter?