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She must have been once possessed of considerable beauty, and even now there was enough remaining to distinguish the Hon. Miss Greyhound. Thus surrounded, Bruin vociferated with all the power of his lungs, "O ... O ... O ... O ... O ... Y ........... A! Never were such times! Here you are! only look! Double your own length of songs for one penny!

The boy shook his head, but David interposed with a voice of thunder. "Of course it did!" he vociferated with blazing eyes; "what else did my dream point to? But we'll fight with God yet. Bring me the child, Christina." On the plump forearm of Paul they found two minute punctures and two tiny points of blood. David drew his knife, and the child shrieked and struggled.

Did I not tell you," he continued, in mockery, "that, if my hands were but free, I would give you a specimen of my progress in Indian acquirements?" "If you would avoid a death even more terrible than that of hanging," shouted the governor, in a voice of mingled rage and terror, "restore my daughter." "Ha! ha! ha! excellent!" vociferated the savage.

The astonished rustic finding himself amongst a host of invisible beings, in a wild moorland place, and far from any human assistance, should assistance be required, full of the greatest consternation, immediately on hearing this expression again and again vociferated, stripped off his plaid, and threw it on the ground.

As soon as the waiting-maids heard her inquiry, they speedily rushed out and went under the eaves. "Go," they cried, directing the married women, "and say that Miss Pao-ch'ai would like to have her repast just now in the hall along with the others, and tell them to send the eatables here." T'an Ch'un caught their directions. "Don't be deputing people to go on reckless errands!" she vociferated.

This caused a dead silence, which at length was broken by the Yorkshireman's exclaiming "horrid pause!" "Horrid paws!" vociferated Mrs.

After a few words from the Admiral, in which he expressed his sympathy with the other Netherland nobles, and his aversion to Granvelle, in general terms, and in reply to Philip's interrogatories, the King fiercely interrupted him: "What! miserable man!" he vociferated, "you all complain of this Cardinal, and always in vague language.

"Good Heavens!" he vociferated, "when shall I begin to comprehend this business in its entirety? How many more uncles, and aunts, and cousins have you?" Amazed by this outburst, Hume endeavoured to put matters right. "I never thought " he commenced. "You come to me to do the thinking, Hume.

"The League! The League!" "Now, to-night, this moment; sign our names before we leave." "He's right. Organisation! The League!" "We have a committee at work already," Osterman vociferated. "I am a member, and also Mr. Broderson, Mr. Annixter, and Mr. Harran Derrick. What our aims are we will explain to you later. Let this committee be the nucleus of the League temporarily, at least. Trust us.

"Don't you see how his back is laden?" "Yes, yes!" "Don't you see your lad talking with the postilion?" "Yes, yes, yes!" "Well, you know the name of that lad, because he is your own. Call him." "Abdon! Abdon!" vociferated Planchet, from the window. "Bring the horse!" shouted D'Artagnan. "Bring the horse!" screamed Planchet.