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Gazing curiously down from her window at the sea of faces wherein cabmen, omnibus drivers, porters, vociferated and gesticulated, each striving to tower above his neighbour, like the tame vipers in the Egyptian pitcher, whereof Teufelsdröckh discourses in Sator Resartus, Regina made no attempt to leave her seat, until the courteous conductor to whose care Mrs.

Madame de Villefort raised her arms to heaven, and convulsively struck one hand against the other. "No, no," she vociferated, "no, you cannot wish that!" "What I do not wish, madame, is that you should perish on the scaffold. Do you understand?" asked Villefort. "Oh, mercy, mercy, monsieur!" "What I require is, that justice be done.

Corporal Truman, take Ensign Shields' sword!" The young man was quickly disarmed, and once more the captain vociferated: "Knock down and disarm that vixen! Obey your orders, villains! Or by h l, and all its fiends, I'll have you all court-martialed, and shot before to-morrow noon!" The soldiers closed around the unprotected girl.

"I don't drive myself, sir; no no, my lad assumes the reins; and notwithstanding the potency of your Scamperley ale, Sir Guy, we manage to arrive pretty safe at our destination." "Quite right, Mr. Waxy," vociferated Sir Guy. "Did I ever tell you what happened to me once, when I took it into my head to drive my own chariot home? Look ye here, sir, I'll tell you how it was. I was unmarried then, Mr.

Those who as to the feet appeared like wolves, spoke concerning RELIGION, saying, "What is God or a divine principle, but the inmost principles of nature in action? What is religion but a device to catch and bind the vulgar?" Hereupon the rest vociferated, "Bravo!" After a few minutes they rushed forth, and in so doing they saw me at a distance looking attentively at them.

It was very sweet to have this clean, fine-fibred young boy so earnestly in love with her, very sweet that the lifting of her finger, the mere tremble of her eyelid should so perturb him. "Mean it! Mean it!" he vociferated. "You don't know how much I do mean it. Why, Laura, why why, I can't think of anything else." "You!" she mocked. "As if I believed that.

After a separation of many years spent in two different worlds, with no clear understanding of the other's ideas or even of their own, catching at words and replying only in words, they disputed about the most abstract subjects, and they disputed as though it were a matter of life and death for both: they shouted and vociferated so that every one in the house was startled, and poor Lemm, who had locked himself up in his room directly after Mihalevitch arrived, was bewildered, and began even to feel vaguely alarmed.

'No Poll Parroting! he vociferated, in return. 'Keep your mouth shut! I want to know, you sir, whether you charge that there crime on George Radfoot? 'If you ever do know, you won't know now. 'Perhaps you done it yourself? said Riderhood, with a threatening action. 'I alone know, returned the man, sternly shaking his head, 'the mysteries of that crime.

"How long," vociferated the Lord, when Moses had got back his power of speech, "will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them? "I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they."

Upon meeting our old acquaintances in the Army of the Potomac, cheers upon cheers were heartily vociferated for Kilpatrick and the Harris Light, and our march was a continual ovation.