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When you deliver a matter do it without Passion & with Discretion, however mean y'e Person be you do it too Chapter vii. 27. Quand vous faites vne ambassade, vn rapport, ou donnez l'ouuerture de quelque affaire, taschez de le faire sans passion & auec discretion, soit que vous ayez

Chapter vi. 7. Si vous promenez auec vne personne seule dans la maison, & qu'il soil d'vne conditiõ qui luy fasse meriter quelque deference, dés le premier pas de la promenade, ne manquez pas de luy donner la droite: Ne cessez point de marcher, s'il ne vient

Dieu vueille abolir vne si damnable et malheureuse ceremonie." Sagard, Voyage des Hurons, 158. This unique mode of cure, which was called Andacwandet, is also described by Lalemant, who saw it. For the medical practices of the Hurons, see also Champlain, Brebeuf, Lafitau, Charlevoix, and other early writers. Those of the Algonquins were in some points different.

Chapter ii. 28. C'est vne action directement opposée

When seated, the feet should be placed well on the ground, in even distance with the legs, and neither a leg or a foot should be crossed on the other. 11th. Shift not yourself in the Sight of others nor Gnaw your nails. C'est vne inciuilité insupportable d'allonger son corps en estendant les bras, ou de faire differents postures.

The missionary nearly lost his life in consequence, the Neutrals conceiving the idea that he would infect their country with a pestilence. Southward and eastward of Lake Erie dwelt a kindred people, the Eries, or Nation of the Cat. Little besides their existence is known of them. "Nous les appellons la Nation Chat, a cause qu'il y a dans leur pais vne quantite prodigieuse de Chats sauuages." Ibid.

Chapter iii. 1. Quoy qu'il soit bon de s'épargner vn trop grand soing de pratiquer vne ciuilité affectée, il faut pourtant estre exact