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When she came to the gates, the grand vizier, the other viziers, and most distinguished lords of the court were just gone in; but, notwithstanding the crowd of people who had business was great, she got into the divan, a spacious hall, the entrance into which was very magnificent.

Then he went out and seating himself in his chair of estate, assembled all the Viziers and Amirs and chamberlains and grandees, to whom he related the whole story and acquainted them with his desire to marry his daughter to Kemerezzeman and make him king in the stead of the princess Budour.

After a short slumber he arose, performed his ablutions, and proceeded to the divan, where he found the principal officers of his court, the viziers, omras, and grandees, assembled to receive him: his imagination, however, still dwelt upon the events of the preceding night; and after the ordinary business of the day had been transacted, and the petitioners who attended had been dismissed, he called for his grand vizier, who presented himself with the customary obeisances.

On the forty-first day, there came a present from the Khalif: which when the Sultan saw, it pleased him and he took counsel about it with his Viziers, one of whom said, 'Mayhap this present was intended for the new Sultan. Quoth Muin, 'We should have done well to put him to death at his first coming; and the Sultan said, 'By Allah, thou remindest me of him!

"Heaven," exclaimed he, "keep far from me the angel of death, since it is your will that I should still be useful on earth." After this he assembled the grandees and the Viziers, and announced to them his intention of resuming the reins of government.

"No no, my lord," cried I, bursting into tears; "Zara is true; always has been, always will be, true. That I can boldly answer but do not press the other question." The sultan looked at me for a short time, and then consulted with the viziers and others, who stood by the throne with their arms folded.

After other viziers had met with a similar fate, and amongst them a son of the caliph himself, at last Hafiz ruled alone. Salih, then vizier, raised Adid, a descendant of Alhagiz, to the caliphate and gave him his daughter to wife, for which reason he was murdered at the desire of the harem.

Which they absolutely could not, though they now and then tried; and Viziers not a few lost their heads in consequence.

So constantly did this occur, that Aunt Kitty, in her love of mischief, whispered to Mrs. Ponsonby that she only hoped the two viziers would not quarrel about the three thousand sequins, three landed estates, and three slaves.

"Behold, sire, the eagerness of your Viziers to bathe themselves in the blood of innocence. Justice pursues the crime, but does not rush upon the criminal. Zeal, like every other virtue, should be moderated. Stop, eager and wicked men! I am here under the justice of the King, not under yours. You have no power over my life. It is sacred with respect to you, who are neither judges nor executioners.