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"I beg a thousand pardons of Monsieur; but but my wife is very ill, and unable to travel." "Then, in that case, so excellent a husband cannot think of leaving a sick and destitute wife." "Poverty has no law; if I consulted my heart and stayed, I should starve, et il faut vivre." "Je n'en vois pas la necessite," replied I, as I got into my carriage.

"Ma santé assez bonne, malgré beaucoup de travail, surtout d'ecriture. Estève, mon secretaire, se marie. Beau caractère. Bon autographe, écrivant vite. Je lui procure un emploi et le moyen de faire fortune s'il veut. Il fait un meilleur mariage que ne lui appartient; malgré cela je crains qu'il ne la fasse pas comme un autre; fat, frivole, joueur, glorieux, petit-maître, dépensier. J'ai toujours Marcel, des soldats copistes dans le besoin....Tous les soldats de Montpellier se portants bien, hors le fils de Pierre mort chez moi. Tout est hors de prix. Il faut vivre honorablement et je le fais, tous les jours seize personnes. Une fois tous les quinze jours chez M. le Gouverneur général et Mr. le Chev. de Lévis qui vit aussi très bien. Il a donné trois beaux grands bals. Pour moi jusqu'au carême, outre les dîners, de grands soupers de dames trois fois la semaine. Le jour des devotes prudes, des concerts. Les jours des jeûnes des violons d'hazard, parcequ'on me les demandait, cela ne menait que jusqu'

"What's that?" "The gug-gug " "Gallows?" She nodded. "You are but a weak girl," said I, meditating. "Aye: but there's a dozen troopers on the landing below." "Then, my dear, you must lock me up," I decided gloomily, and fell to whistling "Vivre en tout cas, C'est le grand soulas " A workman's hammer in the court below chim'd in, beating out the tune, and driving the moral home.

We can ride away to the radiant region of "Joie de Vivre", and find that life and art are one and the same thing, resembling each other so closely in reality, that it is never a question of whether it shall or must be set down on paper or canvas, or given any greater degree of expression than we give to a morning walk or a pleasant bath, or an ordinary rest in the sunlight.

A man's little faults are more often the cause of his greatest miscarriages than he is able to conceive, and in whatever respects his two friends might have been his inferiors, they certainly had the advantage of him in that savoir vivre which makes so large an element of worldly success.

As always happens, the adherents of the poorer and narrower culture had no sympathy with, because no understanding of, a culture richer and more ample than their own: after the discovery of wheat they would still live upon acorns apres l'invention du ble ils voulaient encore vivre du gland; and would hear of no service to the higher needs of humanity with instruments not of their forging.

Porter's tavern in North Cambridge. Ah, they did things quickly in those days; ils savoient vivre.

She opened her eyes gravely at the charges; abused herself extravagantly for a lack of savoir vivre; and both with one accord declared it was too hot to eat. But upon such eggs and such green peas as they did allow themselves a portion of each, scrupulously shared David at any rate, in his traveller's ardour, was prepared to live to the end of the chapter.

Hortense devoted herself with iron diligence, and untiring enthusiasm, to her studies, which consisted, not only in the acquisition of languages, in music, and drawing, history and geography, but still more in the mastering the so-called bon ton and that aristocratic savoir vivre of which Madame Campan was a very model.

By noon the bar was half sever'd, and I broke off to whistle a tune. 'Twas "Vivre en tout cas, C'est le grand soulas " and I broke off to hear the key turning in my lock. The jailer's daughter enter'd with my second meal. Her eyes were red with weeping. Said I, "Does your father beat you?" "He has, before now," she replied: "but not to-day." "Then why do you weep?" "Not for that."