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Everything that Dellixy could suggest was provided by Gunter. I was in my GLOARY the dear Countess and Lady Blanche was dying with lauffing at my joax and fun I was keeping the whole table in a roar when there came a ring at my door-bell, and sudnly Fitzwarren, my man, henters with an air of constanation. 'Theres somebody at the door, says he in a visper.

Still bent upon discovering a means of disappearing from the world, I thought of choosing a wild mountain spot where I could retire with Karl. For this purpose we sought the lonely Visper Thal in the canton Valais, and not without difficulty made our way along the impracticable roads to Zermatt.

I tink him should be named Hawkseye. No von else notice it, but I see Hawksving visper to Big Valler. Dat man be sharp feller too. He turns hims back to de tree, nevair vonce looked up, but him burst into loud laugh, like von tondre-clap, an' cry out, `Vell done, Gibault! Keep close, old feller; their village is one day off towards the sun! An' den he laugh again.

"The beest reckonised me. Has I was putting on my palto in the hall, he came up again: 'HOW DY DOO, Jeames? says he, in a findish visper. 'Just come out here, Chawles, says I, 'I've a word for you, my old boy. So I beckoned him into Portland Place, with my pus in my hand, as if I was going to give him a sovaring. "'I think you said "Jeames," Chawles, says I, 'and grind at me at dinner?