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But I know that old Rene really liked me, for when I blushed and asked her if they had a good beauty doctor in the store she held up her hands and shuddered. "Never, Madam, never pour vous. Ravissant, charmant it is to fool. Nevair! Jamais, jamais de la vie!" I had to calm her down and she kissed my hand when we parted.

"Philadelphia. Do not luff so near me; some accident may happen." "Vat you call 'accident? Can nevair hear, eh? I will come tout pres." "Give us a wider berth, I tell you! Here is your jib boom nearly foul of my mizen-rigging." "Vat mean zat, bert' vidair? eh! Allons, mes enfants, c'est le moment!" "Luff a little, and keep his spar clear," cried our captain.

I's bin wakin' a good while, larfin' fit to bu'st my sides. De purfesser's been a-goin' on like a mad renoceros for more'n an hour. He's arter suthin', which he can't ketch. Listen! You hear 'im goin' round an' round on his tip-toes. Dere goes anoder chair. I only hope he won't smash de lamp an' set de house a-fire." "Vell, vell; I've missed him zee tence time. Nevair mind.

In de corner of a leetel ruin chapel dere is nice bit of fire, and hang on a string before it de half of a kid oh ciel! de smell of de ros-bif was so nice I rub my hands to de fire I sniff de cuisine I see in anozer corner a couple bottles of wine sacre! it vos all watair in my mouts! Ve sit down to suppair I nevair did ate so moche in my life.

"Dere vas marin dans la famille de Barbérie nevair." "Bonds and balances! if the savings of one I could name, frugal François, were added in current coin the sum-total would sink a common ship. You know it is my intention to remember Alida, in settling accounts with the world."

I wept under the hedges: I said I would no more go 'ome. I come to a big city. I found work in a big shop much work, little money ah, how little! Then I met a friend: he persuade me, at last he keep me two months, three, or more; then comes the war. He is an officer, and he goes. We kiss, we part oui, he love me, that officer. I pray for him: I think I nevair leave the church; but it is no good.

"You see, sare, it vos ven in Espagne de bivouac vos vairy ard indeet 'pon us, vor we coot naut get into de town at all, nevair, becos you dam Ingelish keep all de town to yoursefs vor we fall back at dat time becos we get not support no corps de reserve, you perceive so ve mek retrograde movement not retreat no, no but retrograde movement.

Well, I know that a cousin of Jean Lafitte who no doubt has dug for treasure all over the dooryard of Monsieur Edouard " "But not behin' the smoke-house nevair on dose place yet, I'll swear it!" " Very well, suppose you have not yet included the smoke-house of Monsieur Edouard, at least you are his friend. And what Acadian lives who is not a friend of the ladies?" "Certain', Monsieur."

I have sometimes been deluded in an unaccountable manner, Captain Ludlow, when my mind has been thoroughly set on the bargain, in the quality of the goods; for the most liberal of us all are subject to mental weakness of this nature, when hope is alive!" "Certainement, oui!" exclaimed the eager valet "Quel malheur to be obligé to go on la mèr, when Mam'selle Alide nevair quit la maison!

Xavier interrupted him. "Tra la, Chrees'mas Day! Ain't we got de easy trail? Two days befor' Chrees'mas we com' on de cabin of Brown. Baptiste Chambre, she got de beeg jug rum. We mak' de grand dronk one day one night. Den we hit de trail an com' on de Clearwater Chrees'mas Day sam' lak' now. Tostoff, de Russ, she nevair know, Lapierre, she nevair know. Voil