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The fame of his character in that respect had reached my ears even among the thick-lipped inhabitants of Central Africa." I own I did wonder whether this could be true. "'Justum et tenacem propositi virum! Nothing can turn him from his purpose, or induce him to change his inflexible will. You know him, and I know him, and he is well known throughout England.

If we are to be "psychical," there seems less evidence for "unconscious thought-reading," than for the presence of what are technically styled apports, things introduced by an agency of supra-normal character, vulgarly called a "spirit." Undeterred by an event which might have struck fear in constantem virum, Mr.

Et ecce habita occasione comites gladio de latere Regis clam extracto Heremitam interfecerunt, iterum clam condentes cruentum gladium in vagina: ac ille euigilans virum videns occisum, magno furore succensus imposuit familiae factum, volens omnes per iustitiam condemnari ad mortem.

Muratori, xxii. 990. Tomasinus, Gymnasium Patavinam , p. 136. Tomasinus writes that the Rector should be "Virum illustrem, providum, eloquentem ac divitem, quique eo pollet rerum usu ut Gymnasi decora ipsius gubernatione et splendore augeantur." Gymnasium Patavinum, p. 54. He likewise gives a portrait of the Rector in his robes of office, and devotes several chapters to an account of his duties.

Thus, what with Tom's horn, the holloaing of the whips, and the shouts of the riders, a very pretty notion may be formed of what Virgil calls: "Clamorque virûm, clangorque tubarum." A terrible noise is the result!

'It is a catholic security, shouted the Bailie, to Rose Comyne Bradwardine, alias Wauverley, in life-rent, and the children of the said marriage in fee; and I made up a wee bit minute of an antenuptial contract, intuitu matrimonij, so it cannot be subject to reduction hereafter, as a donation inter virum et uxorem.

The people here, in all sorts of bodies and representatives, do openly and heartily declare, that they will not accept this coin: To justify these declarations, they generally offer two reasons; first, because by the words of the patent, they are left to their own choice: And secondly, because they are not obliged by law: So that here you see there is, bellum atgue virum, a kingdom on one side, and William Wood on the other.

No other man of his race have I known in whom the patriotic fire burned more intensely, or who better merited the description of the Latin poet, "Justum et tenacem propositi virum," or had more of the English bulldog tenacity in a cause which he considered just and of vital importance to the country.

Quod est ante pedes, nemo spectat: caeli scrutantur plagas. III. XII. Irreligious Spirit In the -Telephus- we find him saying -Palam mutire plebeio piaculum est. III. XIII. Luxury The following verses, excellent in matter and form, belong to the adaptation of the -Phoenix- of Euripides: -Sed virum virtute vera vivere animatum addecet, Fortiterque innoxium vocare adversum adversarios.

"Show him in!" he said, "show him in!" And, as soon as the mayor entered, he continued: "For you will be able to tell me the meaning of all this noise, this beating of drums, "'Clamorque, virum, clangorque tubarum." "A terrible misfortune has happened," answered the mayor.