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In the meanwhile it is not considered, that mentes humanae mirificae capiuntur et facinantur, ceremoniarum splendore et pompa. Videmus siquidem, saith Bucer, vulgus delectari actionibus scaenicis, et multis uti signis. Chemnitius marks of the cumulating of ceremonies in the ancient church, that it drew to this, ut tandem in theatricum ferme apparatum ceremoniae illae abierint.

Let your own good sense and reason judge of the value of each; and be persuaded, that NOTHING CAN BE BEAUTIFUL UNLESS TRUE: whatever brilliancy is not the result of the solidity and justness of a thought, it is but a false glare. The Italian saying upon a diamond is equally just with regard to thoughts, 'Quanto Piu sodezza, tanto piu splendore'.

Then both fell back and were taken by the night. And out of the night came a strong voice across the water. "Madre di Dio, che splendore!" Artois got up, turned the boat, and began to row gently away, keeping near the base of the cliffs. He meant to take Vere back at once to the island, leaving the impression made upon her by the men of the fire vivid, and undisturbed by speech.

Per ambitionem==ex vitae splendore et numeroso comitatu. Br. cf. note on ambitio, G. 27. Quaererent interpretarentur. Interpretarentur, not famam but the facts above mentioned, and the necessity A. was under of living as he did. Viso aspectoque. On seeing him and directing their attention particularly to him. XLI. Crimen==public accusation. Querela==private complaint. Princeps, gloria, genus.

Let your own good sense and reason judge of the value of each; and be persuaded, that NOTHING CAN BE BEAUTIFUL UNLESS TRUE: whatever brilliancy is not the result of the solidity and justness of a thought, it is but a false glare. The Italian saying upon a diamond is equally just with regard to thoughts, 'Quanto Piu sodezza, tanto piu splendore'.

It was certainly a handsome souvenir, perhaps six inches by four in size, engraved as in a shield, yielding a view of the sea, with the setting sun, and on a wreath the words, "Lucco discendens, ancto splendore resurgam," while at the top was the General's crest, bearing the words, "Vive Vale."