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Above all, "he saw that it was a living piece of literature written by one author." In a word, Luke is being vindicated in every regard. Some of the supposed inaccuracies of Luke vanish when careful investigation is made. Some of his natural history details, for instance, have been impugned and the story of the viper that "fastened" itself upon St.

To a lesser degree this principle must of necessity apply to the country which has vindicated its right to be regarded as the cradle of the World Order of Bahá’u’lláh.

Even though war were a means of making a biologically superior type of man prevail we should not be justified in saying that it is thus vindicated as a method of selection. Many writers whom we do not need to review in great detail have contributed to the objections to the biological principle as an explanation of war.

Consequently, the excuse put by me into the gaping mouth of the average Londoner cannot be accepted. I had no idea that my case was such a good one. Having now vindicated on grounds of patriotic utility that which I took to be a mere sentimental prejudice, I may be pardoned for dragging 'beauty' into the question.

In a recent work entitled, "The South vindicated from the Treason and Fanaticism of Northern Abolitionists," which was written, we are informed, by Colonel Dayton, late member of Congress from South Carolina; the writer, speaking of the awe with which the slaves regard the whites, says,

Often, no doubt, his brethren thought him 'but an idler in the land, but at last his 'tarrying' was vindicated. Now, dear brethren! in all times of the world's history that form of Christian service needs to be pressed upon busy people. And there never was a time in the world's history, or in the Church's history, when it more needed to be pressed upon the ordinary Christian man than at this day.

He then closed the paper so that it could not be read, and requested each member of the cabinet to sign his name on the reverse side. In the end, honesty was vindicated as the best policy, and courage as the soundest judgment.

Carcopino has just astonished us with proof of the poet's minute study of topographical details in the region of Lavinium and Ostia, Mackail has vindicated his care as an antiquarian, Warde Fowler has repeatedly pointed out his scrupulous accuracy in portraying religious rites, and now Sergeaunt, in a study of his botany, has emphasized his habit of making careful observations in that domain.

But insulted Nature sometimes vindicated her rights, and this new species of martyrdom served only to introduce a new scandal into the church. The loss of sensual pleasure was supplied and compensated by spiritual pride.

From her childhood she had been considered clever, and had vindicated her reputation by gaining more than one certificate from the various examining bodies which nowadays go up and down seeking whom they may devour.