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Smoke-clouds were emitted from our trenches, while the skilful manipulation of life-sized dummies successfully produced the illusion of lines of men issuing from their trenches, who drew on their wooden bodies the desired effect of heavy enemy fire. On November 14th Savy and Villars Brulin received the Battalion.

Here Cecilia's countenance brightened, and she ran up the steps in almost as high spirits as she ran down them in the morning. "Good-night to you, Cecilia," said Mrs. Villars, as she was crossing the hall. "Good-night to you, madam," said Cecilia; and she ran upstairs to bed.

Two sedan chairs were in waiting for the ladies and a red domino and mask for me, in which I looked exactly like the devil. Madame Villars came tripping down into the courtyard, wearing a white domino and mask, followed by Francezka in a black and silver domino and mask. I could not see Francezka's face, and so did not know whether she looked well or ill, happy or unhappy.

'I wish I could be contented with so little. 'Oh, you! You're always straining after shadows, and won't live in the present at all. Now tell me, what have you to make you unhappy to-day? You're expecting a letter from Hugh, and Miss Villars is coming to tea with us this afternoon. Those are two pleasures for you. And then look at our weather! This is an ideal summer.

"May God grant it!" said Cavalier. "He is my witness that we desire peace beyond everything." And he took another step backwards. "You will not go too far away, I hope," said the marechal. "We shall remain wherever your excellency may appoint," said Cavalier. "Very well," continued M. de Villars; "halt at Calvisson, and try all you can to induce the other leaders to follow your example."

Thus protected, he was rather an embarrassing customer for Marechal de Villars, who, nevertheless, falling back as usual upon his effrontery, hit upon a bright project to bring home to Heudicourt the expedient he had against him. He collected together about fifteen general officers, and Heudicourt with them. When they had all arrived, he left his chamber, and went to them.

Villars himself sent messengers to Roland amongst others the Baron d'Aigalliers offering to guarantee that no one should be molested on account of his religion, provided he and his men would lay down their arms; but Roland remained inflexible nothing short of complete religious liberty would induce him to surrender.

All these troops, except these latter, obeyed Roland, who since the defection of Cavalier had been recognised as generalissimo of the forces. M. de Villars thought if he could separate Roland from his troops as he had separated Cavalier, his plans would be more easy to carry out. So he made use of every means within his reach to gain over Roland, and as soon as one plan failed he tried another.

He is in the interest of the Duc du Maine. I do not see, however, that his sister has much to complain of, for they gave her a pension of 12,000 livres until the first abbey should become vacant. Madame d'Orleans is, however, vexed at the idea of Villars' sister being obliged to yield to my son's daughter, which is, nevertheless, as it should be.

The celebrated women of the regencyMme. de Prie, Mme. de Parabère, Mme. de Sabranhad no salon, while those of the Marquis d'Alluys and the Hôtels de Sully, de Duras, de Villars, and the suppers of Mme. de Chauvelin were of a distinctly different type from those of the earlier and the later periods. In a certain sense, the salons changed the complexion of the age.