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Oh, what sweet reminiscences those words recall. I say, Williams, do you remember us two robbing Farmer Harris's orchard?" "I remember your robbing it, and my character suffering for it." "I don't remember that; but I remember my climbing the pear-tree and flinging the pears down, and finding them all grabbed on my descent. What is the young villain's next Oh! snapping a piece off a counter.

As he rode at full speed through the park, the villain's mind sped more rapidly than the animal he bestrode, sped from fear to hope, hope to assurance. Grant that the spy lived to tell his tale, incoherent, improbable as the tale would be, who would believe it? How easy to meet tale by tale! The man must own that he was secreted behind the tapestry, wherefore but to rob?

The detective story writers make very good ones sometimes; but then the smart man, who wipes everybody's eyes, always gets 'em by pulling down just the right book from the villain's library. My cryptograph won't depend on books." Peter chattered on; then he suddenly stopped and turned to his notes again. He looked up presently.

To which, after a short silence, she answered, "There is something, perhaps, which you will not easily guess, that makes your congratulations more agreeable to me than the first account I heard of the villain's having escaped the fate he deserves; for I do assure you, at first, it did not make me amends for the interruption of my curiosity.

Wood's house at Dollis Hill on Tuesday' that's two days ago, 'hasn't been heard of since." "Let me see," cried Jack, snatching the paper, and eagerly perusing the advertisement. "Ah!" he exclaimed, in a tone of anguish. "She has fallen into the villain's hands." "What villain?" cried Hogarth. "Jonathan Wild, I'll be sworn," said Gay.

I am sure your ladyship is as virtuous a lady as ever sat foot on English ground, and I will claw any villain's eyes out who dares for to offer to presume for to say the least word to the contrary. Nobody ever could say the least ill of the character of any lady that ever I waited upon."

A miserable, bruised, and battered heart, spoilt long before he met me. A life, too, hopelessly entangled with a villain's! He did well to cast me off. God be praised, he did it! And yet, had he trusted me, and borne with me a little longer, I would have saved him all this trouble." She was silent for a time, and stood with her eyes fixed on the ground.

"May be; but will she be any the less dishonored and forever lost? Must she not, in that case, appear in public, answer the judge's questions, and narrate the story of her shame and misfortunes? Must not she say where, when, and how she fell, and repeat the villain's words to her?

"That moon there," he said, pointing his square, thick forefinger at the window, "is a mighty untrustworthy lady. I've known her wake a villain's conscience before now." "I've known her send a lover's to sleep," laughed young Bernenstein, rising from his table, stretching himself, and lighting a cigar. "Ay, she's apt to take a man out of what he is," pursued old Sapt.

It means, my lord, that a villain's time has come. Wilt say a prayer? Strike, Master Dale! Roger. Nay, I cannot kill in cold blood. Lord Carey exhibits considerable emotion at this, and decides to turn over an entirely new leaf. Enter two soldiers. Carey. Arrest that man! Ah, give him to me, my lord! I trust to you, sweet mistress, to see that the prisoner does not escape again.