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I observe, however, that you play with astonishing coolness there is something still wanting. Excuse me but you interest me, monsieur; the determination not to play at all "Beyond a certain sum I have resolved never to play," said Ormond. "Ah! but the appetite grows l'appetit vient en mangeant the danger is in acquiring the taste excuse me if I speak too freely."

The child, frightened, screamed from the floor. "Taisez-vous taisez-vous, mon enfant. Le temps vient." She was silent for a long time after that. Simpson sat wondering what she would do next, aware of an uncanny fascination that emanated from her. It seemed to him as though there were subterranean fires in the ground that he walked on. "You shall teach us," she said in her usual monotone.

They were dismissing the probabilities as to who would become possessed of her, and the certainty that she would be the maitresse of whoever did; they were waxing warmer in their eulogium of her beauty, and beginning to lay wagers on the result of the sale, when all at once the clack of their conversation ceased, and two or three cried out "Voila! voila! elle vient!"

I frequently smile at the vast pains and precautions of which my <sacred person> is the object; and I am <continually> encountering <by chance> some of those fair ladies who would fain usurp your place, sometimes bedecked with jewels rare, and sometimes, as Racine says, "< dans le simple appareil D'une beaute, qu'on vient d'arracher au sommeil.>

Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères vient de me dire que nos pourparlers, qui étaient déj

Au reste, le Conseil, en estimant que l'on pourroit s'en servir, croit cependant, que si les enfans dont il s'agit, venoient au monde, contre l'esperance de ceux qui se seroient servis du meme moyen, il seroit necessaire de les baptiser sous condition; & en cela le Conseil se conforme a tous les rituels, qui en autorisant le bapteme d'un enfant qui fait paroitre quelque partie de son corps, enjoignent neantmoins, & ordonnent de le baptiser sous condition, s'il vient heureusement au monde.

"L'esprit vient en causant;" that is, if one can find the right persons to talk with. The subject which has specially interested Number Five and myself, of late, was suggested to me in the following way. Some two years ago I received a letter from a clergyman who bears by inheritance one of the most distinguished names which has done honor to the American "Orthodox" pulpit.

But there is a point beyond which boldness becomes rashness a point perceptible only to intuition and not to reason; and beyond that point Palmerston never went. When he saw that the cast demanded it, he could go slow very slow indeed in fact, his whole career, so full of vigorous adventure, was nevertheless a masterly example of the proverb, "tout vient a point a qui sait attendre."

" And the same feeling was shared by the Parisians in general, and embodied by M. Imbert, a courtly poet, whose odes were greatly in vogue in the fashionable circles, in an epigram which was set to music and sung in the theatres. "Pour toi, France, un dauphin doit naître, Une Princesse vient pour en être témoin, Sitôt qu'on voit une grâce paraître, Croyez que l'amour n'est pas loin.

M. de Villiers has had no education AT ALL, and has worked, and traded, and farmed, but the breed tells; he is a pure and thorough Frenchman, unable to speak a word of French. When I went in to dinner, he rose and gave me a chair with a bow which, with his appearance, made me ask, 'Monsieur vient d'arriver? This at once put him out and pleased him. He is very unlike a Dutchman.