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Sie wollten vielleicht abgeruhrter Gugelhopf haben, und auch Schaumtorte, und Bismarcks, und Hornchen mit cream gefullt, nicht?" "Certainly," I murmured, quite crushed. Roschen waddled merrily off to the shop. Blackie was rolling a cigarette. He ran his funny little red tongue along the edge of the paper and glanced up at me in glee. "Don't bother about me," he generously observed.

Wenn der Guss misslang? Wenn die Form zersprang? Ach, vielleicht, indem wir hoffen, Hat uns Unheil schon getroffen." SCHILLER, "Das Lied von der Gloeke." So far in these pages the education of girls has only been considered up to the age of eighteen or so, that is to the end of the ordinary school-room course.

It is worth something to be a Lincoln or a Kaiser Wilhelm & it gives a man a better opinion of the world to show appreciation for such men & what is better, love of them. I have not seen anything of this outburst of affectionate indignation since Mr. Lincoln's assassination gave the common globe a sense of personal injury. Vielleicht hat er noch nicht zu Mannheim zuruck-kehrt.

Invited to a soirée, I heard it whispered behind me, Vielleicht ist er ein französischer Spion "Perhaps he is a French spy." Such were the words as I caught them. At the beer garden a student seated himself near me. He said to me, "We are going to war with you. We shall take Alsace and Lorraine."