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While Sherman was waiting at Vicksburg for the arrival of Hurlbut with his surplus men, he sent out scouts to ascertain the position and strength of the enemy and to bring back all the information they could gather. When these scouts returned it was through them that he got the information of General Polk's being at Meridian, and of the strength and disposition of his command.

The winter continued so severe that the river at Vicksburg was full of floating ice, but in the Silver Cloud we breasted it manfully, and got back to Memphis by the 20th.

Indeed he failed so often that people began to clamour for his recall. But President Lincoln turned a deaf ear to the clamour and decided always to "try him a little longer" and still a little longer. And Grant justified his trust. Finding it impossible to take Vicksburg by assault he determined to besiege it.

Whereas the Confederate loss, as stated by the same author, Surrendered at Vicksburg .............. 32000 Captured at Champion Hills............. 3000 Captured at Big Black Bridge .......... 2000 Captured at Port Gibson................ 2000 Captured with Loring .................. 4000 Killed and wounded .................... 10000 Stragglers............................. 3000

As General Parke, his chief of staff, had gone to Vicksburg in command of the Ninth Corps, Burnside made informal use of me to supply in some measure his place. Our relations therefore became closer than ever.

These men, it was said, had quietly and stealthily applied the fire underneath the hotel just as we were leaving the town. About dark we met General Grant's staff-officer near Bolton Station, who turned us to the right, with orders to push on to Vicksburg by what was known as the upper Jackson Road, which crossed the Big Black at Bridgeport.

It was understood, however, between General Sherman and myself that our movements were to be co-operative; if Pemberton could not be held away from Vicksburg I was to follow him; but at that time it was not expected to abandon the railroad north of the Yallabusha.

AN ORDINANCE to raise revenue for the city of Vicksburg.

The vast majority of them had been volunteers in the beginning and perhaps this feeling of comradeship made them fight all the better. North and South were alike in it. "Which way, sonny?" called a voice from a group. "You don't find the fighting down there. It's back toward Vicksburg." Dick nodded and smiled. "Maybe he's out walking for exercise. These officers ride too much."

General Rosecrans had been at Murfreesboro', Tennessee, with a large and well-equipped army from early in the year 1863, with Bragg confronting him with a force quite equal to his own at first, considering it was on the defensive. But after the investment of Vicksburg Bragg's army was largely depleted to strengthen Johnston, in Mississippi, who was being reinforced to raise the siege.