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Eleanor glanced at the door, listened, then she said: "I don't know yet. You see, Papa Claude is to be in New York this winter, finishing his play. He says if I will come on he will put me in the Kendall School of Expression and see that I get the right start. It's the chance of a life-time, and I'm simply wild to go." "And Queen Vic won't hear of it?" "Not for a second.

Then above all the crashing and booming they heard Vic Burleigh's voice: "Every fellow take a girl and run for the ford. Come on!" In the darkness, each boy caught the arm of the girl nearest him and made a dash for the ford. A flash of lightning showed Burleigh that the white-faced girl clinging to his arm was Elinor Wream. After that, the storm was a plaything for him.

Simple as the construction of an Umbrella may appear, there have been altogether upwards of three hundred patents taken out for various improvements in their manufacture, in addition to numerous alterations which have been registered according to the Act, Vic. 6 & 7, Cap. 65. With very few exceptions the inventors have not been repaid the cost of their patents.

"It will make fifteen at table," said the practical Frances, thinking hard of the resources of the household. "That's all right. I'll get in the Reposa boys to help San Soo and Ming." "Victorino, too?" asked his daughter, curiously. "Yes," declared the Captain, stoutly. "He's sorry he mixed up with Ratty M'Gill. Vic isn't a bad boy.

"Thanks," said Gregg, "but who was he?" "I never seen him before. Anyway, it didn't much matter. He wanted to see some of the rest of the boys quite bad: Pete Glass and Ronicky Joe, and Sliver Waldron, and Gus Reeve. He seemed to want to see 'em all particular bad." "Pete Glass and Ronicky and the posse!" murmured Vic. He grew thoughtful. "He wanted to see me, too?"

"Vic," said Blondy, "it looks like you mean trouble. Anyway, you just now done something that needs explaining." He stood straight as a soldier, rigid, but the fingers of his right hand twitched, twitched, twitched; the hand itself stole higher. Very calmly, Vic hunted for his words, found them.

"You saw that tramp, August?" "Yes." "Why didn't you stop him? He gave me this wound, and I believe he is the man we need for for the murder of poor Vic." "No?" in evident surprise. "I was so startled I didn't think far enough to stop the fellow." Then the young hunter proceeded on his way with his gun under his arm and a peculiar smile on his countenance.

"Say, are you plumb bugs? Why " Vic gulped and stuttered. "Say, where do you get that stuff? You better tie a can to it, sis; it don't get over with me. I'm for screen fame, and I'm going to get it too. Why, by the time I'm twenty, I'll betcha I can pull down a salary that'll make Charlie Chaplin look like an extra! Why, my grin "

"Take 'em both for choice, that's my motto." "You're not married, Britten?" "No such misfortune has overtaken me, sir." "Ha!" here he leered just like an actor at the Vic "and you don't mind driving at night?" "I much prefer it, sir." He leered again, and seemed mightily pleased.

He slid very easily, too, from the war to goat-raising. He had about four hundred, and he gave her a lot of valuable advice about the most profitable way in which to handle them. When he saw Vic legging it along the slope behind the Basin to head off Billy and his slavish nannies, he shook his head commiseratingly.