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Founded by Innocent VI., three years after his elevation to the papal chair, and enriched by subsequent endownments, the Charterhouse of the Val de Benediction, the second in importance of the Order, grew in wealth and importance during the centuries until it was sacked and sold in small lots during the Revolution to the ancestors of the present occupants.

She, as mother of the Duchess of Ferrara, was still able to exert some influence; she was living a respectable life, in comfortable circumstances, as a woman of position, and was described as la magnifica e nobile Madanna Vannozza. She also kept up her relations with such of the cardinals as were Spaniards and relatives of Alexander VI, or who were his creatures. She survived most of them.

The next year he acquired the kingdom of Wessex, in 808 that of the Mercians, and in time his reputation brought under his rule the four remaining kingdoms of Great Britain. Triel, A. P. v. 147, art. 104. For the title of Pere du Peuple, St. Cloud, A. P. v. 68. Montaigut, A. P. v. 577. T., Rouen, A. P. v. 602. T., Vannes, A. P., vi. 107. For blessings on the king and on Necker, see Mathieu, 425.

On the other hand, the parliament, having supplied Sir William Waller, in whom they much trusted, with a complete army, despatched him westwards, in order to check the progress of the royalists. * Rush, vol. vi. p. 267, 273. Clarendon, vol. iii. p. 269, 279. Rush, vol. vi. p. 284. Clarendon, vol. iii. p. 282.

Max was on the farther side of the room a good-sized parlor of the hotel where they were staying very much absorbed in a story-book; Lulu approached him softly, a gleeful smile on her lips and in her eyes, and laid his half dollar on the open page. "What's that for?" he asked, looking round at her. "For you; and you're to have as much every week, Mamma Vi says." "O Lu! am I, really?"

XXIII. It was some time since he had worked at that art, having given himself up to the study of poets and authors in the vulgar tongue and writing sonnets for his own pleasure. After the death of Pope Alexander VI. he was called to Rome by Pope Julius II., and received a hundred ducats in Florence as his viaticum.

I love no colors; and, without all color Of base insinuating flattery, I pluck this white rose with Plantagenet. Shakespeare: I Henry VI. The Wars of the Roses began with the battle of St. Albans , in which Somerset was killed. The victory was gained to the Yorkists chiefly by the help of Warwick.

"No, no," Elizabeth said, blushing; "it is a way of speaking: and if you find a means of reconciling everything, gentlemen, to prove to you, on the contrary, that I regard King James VI as my good and faithful ally, I am quite ready to incline to mercy. Seek, then, on your side" added she, "while I seek on mine."

The sporting party on the upper landing would gladly have melted away had there been any possible cover, but there was not. Vi and Sadie had not even time to kick off their roller skates. Miss Hampson's keen eyes took in every detail of the trails on the polished oak floor, and the soap-slide. Then they focused on Diana. "I can imagine who's been the instigator of all this!" she said sharply.

Mosquitoes?" demanded Russ, as much puzzled as anybody. "The red thing! With the pointed ears! And a big tail!" cried Vi in gasps. "What can she mean?" demanded Rose. But Philly Armatage suspected the reason for Vi's fear at once. She grabbed hold of Laddie's ankles and started to draw him out of the pipe. "You'd better come out!" she cried. "That old fox will bite your nose off."