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There were other West Indian settlements demanding the visit of inspection of the new Governor-General, and Lord Willoughby was in haste to sail for the Antilles. "And meanwhile," he complained to his Admiral, "I am detained here by the absence of this fool of a Deputy-Governor." "So?" said van der Kuylen. "But vhy should dad dedam you?"

"Dat ist ferry easy; 'down rent, eh?" "Sartain Jarman, eh? you no spy? you no sent here by gubbernor, eh? landlord no pay you, eh?" "Vhat might I spy? Dere ist nothin' do spy, but mans vid calico faces. Vhy been you afraid of der governor? I dinks der governors be ferry goot frients of der anti-rents." "Not when we act this way. Send horse, send foot a'ter us, den.

"He say he come to dis countree October. Try find work New York no good. He start to valk to countree, find vork farm. Bad time. Seeck, cold, hungree. Fear he spoil hands for veolinn dat's vhy he not take vork on road, vat he could get. He museecian good one." "Does he say that?" Burns asked, amused. Louis nodded. "Many museecians in Hungary. Franz come from Budapest. No poor museecians dere.

Then she heard Koenig letting himself into the house, and going downstairs she said: "Will you take this message to the telegraph office for me, please?" "Vhy, of course I vill, and den ve'll have supper togeder look!" and he laughed and opened a paper and drew out a string of sausages. "Mr. Koenig," she said, "you were right. I was not myself to-night. I want a rest, and I propose to take one."

His sister or something like that?" persisted the engineer. "Well, I tank she say somethin' about bein' his grandmother," retorted Stefan, "but I can tell you something, Pat. If you vant so much know all about it vhy you not put on your snowshoes an' tak' a run down there. It ban a real nice little valk."

I just want you to get used to it, and, once you have made a flight, you'll want to make another." "I don't nohow believe I will, Massa Tom, but as long as you have axed me, an' as yo' say some of dem proud, stuck-up darkies in Shopton will be tooken down a peg or two when de sees me, vhy, I will go wif yo', Massa Tom." "I thought you would.

"De sun he begin go town," he said, stopping suddenly. "Vhy don't dat Papineau get back? It get dark soon. I tank I take de togs an' go down de road. Mebbe his team break down. His leader ban a young tog." For an instant Madge felt like begging him to remain.

"Yes, from se osseh si-ide; sat letteh vhat you haf brought me since more as a veek ago; and also vhy I haf not sat letteh given you to read. Sat iss if you like to know yes? "Vell, sen I vill tell you. And sare are two sings to tell. Se fairst is a ve'y small, but se secondt iss a ve'y lahge. And se fairst is sat that I am now se Countess. "So? you are glad? I sank you ve'y much.

"Vat you standing there for? Vhy don't you do it if you're so light on your feet?" "Well, I can!" Skinny argued, still hesitating. "Den go ahead and chump chump I told you into the box!" Leon shouted excitedly. Skinny jumped. The eggs crushed under the heels of his riding boots. In an instant the box was filled with a squashy mass of whites, yolks and broken shells.

I smile as the last word comes across my mind, for I am honest enough to doubt if I really mind it so much. The Baron turns a page and sees the look. "Vhy you laugh, Señorita?" "Thinking about something funny." "I'd think you laugh at me." "Don't you suppose I may once in a while think of someone else besides you?" The Baron looks puzzled and a little bit offended. "Good-morning, Mrs.