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I said that what the doctor had feared, a "lesion," had taken place, and that there was no longer any hope of her life. At which she lighted up with a lovely defiance. "Ho-o! no long-eh any hope! Yes, sare iss long-er any hope! Vhere iss sat doc-toh? Sare shall be hope! Kif me sat patient! I can keep se vatch of mine huss-bandt at se same time. He hass not a relapse! Kif me se patient!

"Dat ist de price to anudder," said the gallant trinket-dealer; "but dat ist not de price to you, Miss Opportunity. Ve shall trafel togedder; ant vhen ve gets to your coontry, you vill dell me de best houses vhere I might go mit my vatches ant drinkets." "That I will; and get you in at the Nest House, in the bargain," cried Opportunity, pocketing the pencil without further parley.

Fontenette, taking her cue from me, spoke to him of his plant-and-insect lore as one of the many worlds there are within the world, no more displacing it than light displaces air, or than fragrance displaces form or sound. He made her say it all over again, and then asked: "Vhere vas dat?" His whole world was not really as wide as Gregory's island was to its gentle hermit.

Even those humorists who mark epochs in the history of American provincial and political satire, like Seba Smith with his Major Jack Downing, Newell with his Papers of Orpheus C. Kerr, "Petroleum V. Nasby's" Letters from the Confedrit X Roads, Shillaber's Mrs. Partington all these have disappeared round the turn of the long road. "Hans Breitman gife a barty Vhere ish dot barty now?"

Where?" said Billy. "Vhere?" repeated the queer little man. "If I vos to tell you vhere, Billy, your hingenuity vouldn't be drored out. Von o' the uses of hexperience, Billy, is to dror hout the hingenuity. You're lookin' summat doleful, Billy. Cheer hup, me boy, cheer hup! I'd like to inwite you to this 'ere feast, but there's honly von 'elp o' cheese left, an' honly von svaller of beer.

"Can I induce you to be so kind as to play for me?" "I am sure he will," said Mrs. Benson, looking at Herr Schlitz. "Oh, yes, I blay for you if you vant," he said. "Vhere is your moosic?" They went over to the piano. "Oh, ho! Jensen, Lassen, Helmund, Grieg you zing dem?" "Some of them," said John. The pianist opened the Jensen album. "You want to zing one of dese?" he asked.

Munsberg, who was extremely busy, and even the modified shock upset his temper. "Vhere you goin'?" he cried out. "Can't you look vhere you're goin'?" Tembarom knew this was not a good beginning, but his natural mental habit of vividly seeing the other man's point of view helped him after its usual custom. His nice grin showed itself. "I wasn't going; I was coming," he said. "Beg pardon.

My uncle, somewhat indiscreetly, I fancied, but by merely following the chain of thought then uppermost in his mind, detained him in conversation. "Dis broperty," he said, inquiringly, "is de broperty of one Yeneral Littlepage, I hears say?" "Not of the General, who was Madam Littlepage's husband, and who has long been dead, but of his grandson, Mr. Hugh." "Und vhere might he be, dis Mr.

I could not have s'posed as how you'd condescend nowadays to come to the Mug, vhere I never seed you but once afore. Lord love ye, they says as 'ow you go to all the fine places in ruffles, with a pair of silver pops in your vaistcoat pocket!

Once Madge had seen a moving-picture representing some lurid drama of the North, and some of the women in it had worn that sort of clothing. Big Stefan had lighted his pipe and sought a seat that creaked under his ponderous weight. He opened the door of the stove and threw two or three large pieces of yellow birch in it. "Guess it ain't nefer cold vhere you comes from," he ventured.