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"You poor leetle leddy," he repeated, "I feels most turriple sorry for Hugo, for it most tear my heart out yoost to look at him. But vhen I looks at you I feels turriple sorry for you too. I knows vhat it must be, sure ting, for a leetle leddy like you to be sittin' here, in dis leetle shack, a-lookin' at de man she lofe an see de life goin' out of him.

Vell, sat is vun sing se preacher forget to say May be he haf not se time, but I sink he forget: sat sare is no hussbandt in se whole vorldt and also sare is no vife so sp' spirit' spirited? no? Ah, yes spiritual! yes, sank you. Vhen I catch me a bigk vord I am so proudt, yet, as I hadt a fish caught!" I was willing to believe it, but thought how still more true it was of Mrs. Fontenette.

"Is it yours to sell?" "It is." There was no trace of resentment in his voice, nor did he show the slightest irritation at being asked so pointed a question. "Vell, I don't keep a pawn-shop. I got no license, and if I had I vouldn't do it too much trouble all de time. Poor vomans, dead-beats, suckers, sneak-thieves all kind of peoples you don't vant, to come in the door vhen you have a pawn-shop."

But vhen you forget all else off me, remembair you haf find von Peruvian who loaf you so he let you ruin hees life you vill nefer see anodther such Peruvian madman. If I haf trouble you, I haf not spare myself, keess me gude-night, Blanca ... and good-bye." A moment later the great knocker had fallen.

My God, leddy, tell me vhat I can do! He most trown himself an' freeze to death to safe me dat time an' I got sit still like a big tam fool an' him goin' under vidout a hand to pull him out. All de blood in my body, every drop, I gif to safe him. Don't you beliefe? I remember vhen de vaves and de vind pring dot canoe ashore. Ve lose not a ting because eferyting is lashed tight.

"Mens is awful foolish some times," asserted the good woman. "Dey pay no attention to tings everybotty knows all about. I tank Stefan he alretty now, so I say good-by and come again, ma'am. Alvays happy ter see you again vhen you comes, sure." The little girl came to Madge and rose upon her toes, for a kiss. More timidly the boy only proffered a hand. Mrs.

"You got word to all three doctors?" "Yes;" she gave her chin the drollest little twist "sey are all coming vhen sey get ready." That is what they did; but the first who came, and the second, brought fresh courage; for the Baron "would most likely be all right again, before the day was over"; our child was "virtually well"; and from next door-"better!" was the rapturous news.

"Papineau he tells me in Carcajou it look like you come ofer here to make drouble for Hugo an' mebbe for dis young leddy. So I come here fast like my togs can take me, sure ting. Und I vant to know vhen you vants to start droubles. Der leddies can move leetle vay to one side if dey like, to make room. Ve need plenty, I tank. Who vant to start de row now, who begin?

So, you see, ven Judy died, and Harry was scragged, I vas the only von living who vas up to the secret; and vhen Mother Lob vas a taking a drop to comfort her vhen Judy vent off, I hopens a great box in which poor Judy kept her duds and rattletraps, and surely I finds at the bottom of the box hever so many letters and sick like, for I knew as 'ow they vas there; so I vhips these off and carries 'em 'ome with me, and soon arter, Mother Lob sold me the box o' duds for two quids 'cause vy?

I haf a choral company, too, and it is for dat I vant you. I go to de first houses in de land, de lords, de ministers, de princes. You shall come vith me. Your voice is soprano no, mezzo-soprano and it vill grow. I vill pitch it, and vhen it is ready I vill bring you out. But now get away from dis place and naivare come back, or I vill be more angry as before."