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Like the well-mannered child she was, Pollyooly dropped a curtsey. The grand duke seized her hand, and shook it warmly, and cried: "Mein Gott! if you were zeven five years elder, I would keess you! Bud id is far to sdoop. You haf done great good to my zon, ze Prince Adalbert. You haf made him peenk guite peenk; and you haf taught him ze creeket. Id iz sblendid; and you moost rewarded be.

"And then there are some I've got to kiss, like aunts and people. But one doesn't put in any extra, if one can help it. When I'm grown-up I sha'n't have to kiss anybody, and that'll be jolly. I shall never, never kiss at all, only shake hands or bow, like Escombe does." "Top-peen, you did keess me once time, last week!" The Hare was timidly reproachful now. Toppin stood still and coloured.

You loaf me, but you air like a vild deer; you air so easy startle, and so hard to hold. But I vill be zo gude to Blanca, I vill make her glad I vas so strong not to let her haf her own way. If you keess me and zay before God you marry me, I take you back to Casa 47 if not, Madame Steele go alone to San Miguel." "Baron de Bach, you're talking crazy nonsense.

There were them twa, a' colloguing, and a-seetting ilk in ither's laps a' o'er, and a-keessing, yes, my leddy, a-keessing as females, not to say males, ought nae to keess, unless they be mon and wife, and then not amang the rocks, my leddy; and if his lairdship does nae care to hear tell o' it, and finds it nae tastefu', as your leddyship was saying, he should nae ha' sent for Andy Gowran a' the way from Portray, jist to tell him what he wanna hear, now I'm come to tell't to him!"

"Yes, I did. Because you bovvered me to, and and you'd jumped in after me!" "And shallent you not ever keess me once time more?" "Oh well look here! Perhaps when it's your birthday, if we get somewhere quite secret, where nobody can possibly see us, I I'll let you have one a quick one!" "T-thanks you!" said the grateful Hare. "It's 'thanks', or else 'thank you'," corrected Toppin.

But vhen you forget all else off me, remembair you haf find von Peruvian who loaf you so he let you ruin hees life you vill nefer see anodther such Peruvian madman. If I haf trouble you, I haf not spare myself, keess me gude-night, Blanca ... and good-bye." A moment later the great knocker had fallen.

"You ought to say 'took', not 'tooken'," corrected Toppin. He felt rather cross, and disinclined to dwell on the subject of his wrongs. "Ah, I am what is your one word? non-grammar-eesh?" "No, stupid," said Toppin. "Uhéi!" This sorrowfully. Then, drawing nearer, "But no mind! I love you oh, yes, I love you a great well, Top-peen! Shall we shall we keess?"

"Ve air not abord du San Miguel; no von see, no von hear. I know in my heart you loaf me; tell me so vonce! Blanca!" The music and entreaty in the deep voice thrill me strangely. "Oh, Blanca darling, keess me!" My puny resistance is nothing to those athlete's arms; he holds me close one instant and I, breathless, struggle to free my hands, and push his hot cheek away from mine.