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My God, leddy, tell me vhat I can do! He most trown himself an' freeze to death to safe me dat time an' I got sit still like a big tam fool an' him goin' under vidout a hand to pull him out. All de blood in my body, every drop, I gif to safe him. Don't you beliefe? I remember vhen de vaves and de vind pring dot canoe ashore. Ve lose not a ting because eferyting is lashed tight.

The six doomed men followed, walking between double ranks of Rebel guards. All came inside the hollow square and halted. Wirz then said: "Brizners, I return to you dose men so Boot as I got dem. You haf tried dem yourselves, and found dem guilty I haf had notting to do wit it. I vash my hands of eferyting connected wit dem. Do wit dem as you like, and may Gott haf mercy on you and on dem.

Ven you dell me how it iss I could make eferyting more smoother for him, I do it!" "That's eggsackly the trouble," proclaimed Mrs. Slawson conclusively. "You make 'em too smooth. You make 'em so smooth, they're ackchelly slippery. No wonder the poor fella falls down. No man wants to spend all his life skatin' round, doin' fancy-figger stunts, because his wife's a dummy.

"Yah, ve vill fighd lige eferyting," declared Fritz Schmockenburg. "Ve are nod avraid uf der retgoads, und dot is so." "How soon will the battle take place, Dick?" queried Ben Foster. Dick shook his head. "As to that I cannot say, Ben," he replied. "But it will come soon enough, without doubt, for the British have twenty-five thousand soldiers, while we have not more than eighteen thousand."

These were the only words he had spoken the entire evening. He departed; the company was profoundly impressed. About twenty minutes later, when Marcus Schouler was entertaining the guests by eating almonds, shells and all, Mr. Sieppe started to his feet, watch in hand. "Haf-bast elevun," he shouted. "Attention! Der dime haf arrive, shtop eferyting. We depart."

"But what has it all to do with your name? I declare I don't know what to call you." "Call her your own pard, old Tuncan MacPhail, my sweet laty, and haf ta patience with her, and she'll pe telling you aall apout eferyting, only you must gif her olt prams time to tumple temselfs apout. Her head grows fery stupid.

"Ah, cré nom d'un nom! I haf to go, queek!" "Where to?" "No mattaire. I tank you all to-morrow. I explain eferyting den. Now, I go." "You had better stay where you are, Monsieur de Courtois," said Steingall in French. "Milord Valletort and Count Vassilan have arrived. I have seen them, and nothing more can be done with respect to their affair tonight.

The six doomed men followed, walking between double ranks of Rebel guards. All came inside the hollow square and halted. Wirz then said: "Brizners, I return to you dose men so Boot as I got dem. You haf tried dem yourselves, and found dem guilty I haf had notting to do wit it. I vash my hands of eferyting connected wit dem. Do wit dem as you like, and may Gott haf mercy on you and on dem.