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From such reasoning as this, Succesfull wickednesse hath obtained the Name of Vertue; and some that in all other things have disallowed the violation of Faith; yet have allowed it, when it is for the getting of a Kingdome.

As for heroyke vertue, and heroyke dames, honest Sir Charles would have nothing to do with them. Allowing, however, that you could combine all these virtues that you could form a perfect whole, a female wonder from every creature's best dangers still threaten you. How will you preserve your daughter from that desire of universal admiration, which will ruin all your work?

But because the Law of Nature is eternall, Violation of Covenants, Ingratitude, Arrogance, and all Facts contrary to any Morall vertue, can never cease to be Sinne.

And the words cut round it are our motto, "Vertue vauncet", which means virtue prevails. Willoughby may have displayed some accession of dignity in giving this bit of family history, for Esther fell into uncontrolled laughter, at which he was much displeased. And when the girl made as though she would put the ring on her own finger, asking, 'Shall I keep it? he coloured up with sudden annoyance.

It seems therefore one of the worst Marks that can be of the Vice and Folly of any Age when Mariage is commonly contemn'd therein; since nothing can make it to be so but Mens Averseness to, or incapacity for those things which most distinguish them from Brutes, Vertue and Friendship. But it were well if Mariage was not become a State almost as much fear'd by the Wise, as despis'd by Fools.

"The one that received the seed into the good ground is the one that heareth the word and understandeth it." "In hire is hye bewte withouten pryde, Youthe withouten grefhed or folye; To all her werkes vertue is her gyde, Humblesse hath slayen in her, tyrrannye, She is mirrour of alle curtesye; Hir perte is verray chambre of holynesse, Her hand mynistre of fredom and almesse."

Let therefore his conscience and vertue shine in his speech, and reason be his chiefe direction, Let him be taught to confesse such faults as he shall discover in his owne discourses, albeit none other perceive them but himselfe; for it is an evident shew of judgement, and effect of sinceritie, which are the chiefest qualities he aymeth at.

From whence it has been that such Men in all Ages, and Places, as were above the prejudices of their Country Religion, and Manners, viz. such as we have now spoken of, have ever had much the same Sentiments in respect of Vertue.

Thou onely vauntest of thy gentry: truely thou wast made a gentleman before thou knewest what honesty meant, and no more hast thou to boast of thy stocke, than he, who being left rich by his father, dyeth a beggar by his folly. Nobilitie began in thine auncestors and endeth in thee, and the generositie that they gayned by vertue, thou hast blotted with vice.

Conserves of Violets the Italian manner. Take the leaves of blue Violets separated from their stalks and greens, beat them very well in a stone Mortar, with twice their weight of Sugar, and reserve them for your use in a glass vessel. The Vertue.