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Then the paper called up the health office, after setting up a flaming scare-head, "Will Money Free Them? Board of Health versus Millionaire." It was almost three when the house settled down nobody had any night clothes, although finally, through Dallas, who gave them to Anne, who gave them to the rest, we got some things of Jimmy's and I was still dressed.

Man versus nature the successive assaults of perishing humanity upon the almost impregnable fortresses of the eternal forests this was the struggle of Canadian civilization, and its hard-won triumphs were bodied forth in the scattered roofs of these cheap habitations.

In London or New York, a suffrage inquirer would constantly strike "live wires;" in Idaho, every one is insulated. The subject is no more an issue than civil service reform or state versus national control of banking systems. Most people have even forgotten the passage of the constitutional amendment conferring equal suffrage, in 1896.

"Yes," answered the subaltern, "like potting rabbits. I think I could have wiped that fellow's eye if I'd been there. The bayonet versus lance was done better." Jack glanced round, and saw the speaker smoking a pipe, while Sergeant Sparks tramped along close behind with an approving smile upon his face, as though, if questioned, he would have made exactly the same observation himself.

Three great stupid, browsing, contented cows versus one lone, lorn woman. For about one minute Keturah would not have wagered her fortune on the woman. But it is not her custom to "say die," and after some reflection she ventured on a manful command. "Go away! Go! go!" The stentorian remark caused a result for which she was, to say the least, unprepared.

The man laughed and flushed up. "From the strictly professional standpoint the less said about me the better," he said. "What nonsense you talk!" cried the girl. "When the Chief was down to see me yesterday, he spoke of nothing but you. 'They beat him, but he won out! he said, 'they shook him off but he went back and found 'em! He told me it was a case of grit versus violence and grit won.

"You intend, of course," said he, addressing me, "to proceed at law? No rumble tumble through the spiritual courts?" "Certainly, if sufficient evidence to justify such a course can be obtained." "Exactly: Doe, demise of Compton, versus Emsdale; action in ejectment, judgment of ouster.

The new Education Bill which was destined to drag on for twelve years before it developed into the children's charter, was then a storm center in the House of Commons. Miss Smith and I were much pleased to be taken to tea on the Parliament terrace by its author, Sir John Gorst, although we were quite bewildered by the arguments we heard there for church schools versus secular.

"Really, it's all one," the girl explained, "but Grandaddy keeps up the pretense of operating one of his own wants to compete with Father in management in livestock, in methods. It's the Old Pioneer versus the Progressive. Longhorn versus thoroughbred, and Daddy indulges and encourages him in the plan. 'They surveyed me in, was his frequent statement.

The topic of 'The King versus the Jesuits' was one of the first they touched upon, Sergius Thord relating for the benefit of all his associates, how he had found Pasquin Leroy reading by lamplight the newspaper which reported his Majesty's refusal to grant any portion of Crown lands to the priests, and which also spoke of 'Thord's Rabble.