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"Australia's a gran' place for the siller, ye ken. I'm no verra far wrang but what wi' industry and perseverance ye may mak a wee bit siller yersel', laddie." "It won't be my fault if I don't," returned M. Vandeloup, gaily; "and Madame Midas," he added, mentally, "will be an excellent person to assist me in doing so."

There was a time, soon after the day we went fishing, when we made friends wi' some folk who lived in a capital house with a big fruit garden attached to it. They let us lodgings, though it was not their habit to do so, and we were verra pleased wi' ourselves. We sat in the sunshine in our room, having our tea. Ootside the birds were singing in the trees, and the air came in gently.

"Which is verra true," said Dick the Ranter, who after two days had still tar upon him, and was wrapped in a woman's shawl; "but will ye postpone your thirdly, and go below to the doctor, who's wanting ye to see the gear?"

They blamed some other folks, I guess, but they never hunted me up at all. Good-by, Clan'den, and you, too, Felix, and Dick Verra. I've knowed you all these years, but nobody takes no 'count of niggers' knowin's. Good-by, Little Lees, and all you boys. I'll see you again pretty soon, I'm goin' back to my desset now. It's over yonder just a little way. Jondo but you won't be John Doe then.

"Noo, my lord," he said, half closing the book, "what wad ye expec' to come upo', efter sic a denunciation as that, but some awfu' haithenish thing? Weel, jist hearken again, for here's the verra prayer itsel' in a futnote." His lordship had thrown himself into a chair, had crossed one leg over the other, and was now stroking its knee.

"Eh, soutar, but ye ir a man by Providence sair oppressed!" she cried. "Wha think ye's been i' the faut here?" The wrath of the soutar sprang up flaming. "Gang oot o' my hoose, ye ill-thouchtit wuman!" he shouted. "Gang oot o' 't this verra meenit and comena intil 't again 'cep it be to beg my pardon and that o' this gude wuman and my bonny lass here! The Lord God bless her frae ill tongues!

"If they don't know what they are about, how can you be so foolish as talk of their design?" "Ilka thing has a design, an' gien it dinna ken't itsel', that's jist whaur yer true an' lawfu' personification comes in. There's no rizon 'at a poet sudna attreebute till a thing as a conscious design that which lies at the verra heart o' 'ts bein', the design for which it's there.

I ha'e among my books a collection o' sermons by different divines, an' I am verra willin' to tak' my turn in the readin' o' ane, an' I'm sure you should a' be agreeable to do the same." His proposal met with the hearty approval of all his neighbours, and for some years each Sabbath afternoon saw most of the neighbours collected together for the best mode of worship within their reach.

When they arrived, Malcolm was shown into the drawing room, where Mrs Stewart met him with red eyes. "Will you come and see my poor boy?" she said. "I wull du that, mem. Is he verra ill?" "Very. I 'm afraid he is in a bad way." She led him to a dark old fashioned chamber, rich and gloomy.

"Your master speaks very kindly of you. He seems to trust you thoroughly." "I'm verra glaid to hear 't, mem; but he has never had muckle cause to trust or distrust me yet." "He seems even to think that I might place equal confidence in you." "I dinna ken. I wadna hae ye lippen to me owre muckle," said Malcolm.