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But, nevertheless, neither Vergniaud nor Brissot was an Anarchist, even though the latter, in his Philosophical Examination of Property and Theft , uttered a catchword, afterwards taken up by Proudhon. At the same time, they have no cause and no right to reproach the "Mountain" with Anarchist tendencies.

"Is there anyone with His Eminence, besides Vergniaud?" he asked. "The Abbe's son Cyrillon," replied Angela timidly. Moretti frowned. "I will go in alone," he said, "You need not announce me. The Abbe knows me well, and " he added with a slight sneer, "he is likely to know me better!"

Leigh, receive the information with incredulity and a somewhat blameable indifference, it is a matter of rejoicing to us that Cardinal Bonpre has performed this miracle of healing at Rouen. It would have raised him to a very high place indeed in the Holy Father's estimation, had it not been for the strange mistake he has unfortunately made with respect to the Abbe Vergniaud."

Pastoret, who spoke after Vergniaud, quoted the saying of Montesquieu, "There is a time when it is necessary to cast a veil over the statue of Liberty, as we conceal the statues of the Gods." To be ever on the watch, and to fear nothing, should be the maxim of every free people. He concluded by proposing repressive, but moderate and gradual measures, against the absentees.

Plots against the Girondists. Meetings at Madame Roland's. Insurrections in favor of the monarchy. Jacobin insurrection. Portentous mutterings. Precautions of the Girondists. Intrepidity of Vergniaud. Power of prayer. "Horrible hope." The power of the Girondists gone. The Jacobins now resolved to bring the king to trial.

"Monsignor Moretti," interposed the Cardinal with dignity, "it is no part of justice or holiness to denounce anything or anybody till the full rights of the case have been heard. I was as unaware as yourself that this young man, Cyrillon Vergniaud, was the daring writer who has sent his assumed name of 'Gys Grandit' like a flame through Europe.

As for my attack on the Church " "Ah truly! What of your attack on the Church?" said Moretti, his small eyes glistening, and his breath going and coming quickly. "I would say every word of it again with absolute conviction," declared Vergniaud, "for I have said nothing but the truth!

And turning from him with a movement which implied both hauteur and indifference, he addressed himself to Bonpre, whose face was clouded, and whose eyes were troubled. "The unfortunate affair of our friend Vergniaud will be settled to- day," he began, when the Cardinal raised one hand with a gentle solemnity.

Moretti's furtive eyes disappeared for a moment under his discoloured eyelids, which quivered rapidly like the throbbings in the throat of an angry snake. Before he could speak again however, Vergniaud interposed.

The friends of Madame Roland, on their side, threatened Dumouriez that they would make the Assembly demand of him an account of the six millions of secret expenses, whose destination they suspected. Already Guadet and Vergniaud had prepared discourses and a project of a decree to demand a public reckoning for these sums.