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He took a fancy to "Auntie" Holly, who seemed to be a sister too; but they both went away the same afternoon and he did not see them again. Three days before his father and mother were to come home "Auntie" June also went off in a great hurry, taking the "grown-up" who coughed and his piece of putty; and Mademoiselle said: "Poor man, he was veree ill. I forbid you to go into his room, Jon."

Her words fell on Jon like a reproach. "Oh! I think he's all right." "I like to see him again," said the Austrian, putting a hand on her heart; "he have veree kind heart." "Yes," said Jon. And again her words seemed to him a reproach. "He never give no trouble to no one, and smile so gentle." "Yes! doesn't he?" "He look at Miss Forsyte so funny sometimes. I tell him all my story; he so sympatisch.

"True!" said Sita Ram. "This is land of devil-take-hindmost, and with my big stomach I am often last. I am veree full of fear!" "We shall need food," interposed the German. "Water will be there, but we had better have sufficient food with us for two nights." Yasmini gave a sharp order, and several of her maids ran out of the room.

"He look at Miss Forsyte so funny sometimes. I tell him all my story; he so sympatisch. Your mother she nice and well?" "Yes, very." "He have her photograph on his dressing-table. Veree beautiful" Jon gulped down his tea. This woman, with her concerned face and her reminding words, was like the first and second murderers. "Thank you," he said; "I must go now. May may I leave this with you?"

'If I care to run risk. Veree considerate of you, I'm sure. But as we say in Bengal, 'thee favour of kings iss ass a sword of two edges. Noah, thanks; the servants of thee Bell do not linger by wayside, soa to speak. Besides, I am in great hurree. Mister Amber, good night. Rutton Sahib" with a flash of his sinister humour "au revoir; I mean to say, till we meet in thee Hall of thee Bell.

Her whole personality had become, as it were, like jet clear-cut, black, hard, shining. "Annette is young," she said; "so is monsieur le docteur. Between young people things move quickly; but Annette is a good daughter. Ah! what a jewel of a nature!" The least little smile twisted Soames' lips. "Nothing definite, then?" "But definite no, indeed! The young man is veree nice, but what would you?

"He look at Miss Forsyte so funny sometimes. I tell him all my story; he so sympatisch. Your mother she nice and well?" "Yes, very." "He have her photograph on his dressing-table. Veree beautiful" Jon gulped down his tea. This woman, with her concerned face and her reminding words, was like the first and second murderers. "Thank you," he said; "I must go now. May may I leave this with you?"

"I don't think so at least, knowing her as I do now. Still, I don't blame her. I'm the cause of it all." "You feel veree, veree bad?" "I'll be honest with you, señorita I can't tell whether I feel very bad or not. I have felt rather upset, I confess. But, my dear girl, human nature is peculiar.

"I know I'm a veree fooleesh girl," she said. "I cannot help eet. Eet ees not to be that he should care for me." Her heart throbbed with bitter disappointment. She left the house behind and wandered away through the dusky June night. Crossing the road and the fields, she came at last to Ripple Lake, on the edge of which she lingered while the moon crept up in the east.

She never dreamed of being jealous of the funny little Japanese. "And why, pray, didn't Miss Walker announce it this morning at chapel when she made her opening address?" asked Margaret. "Ah, that is for another veree sadlee reason," answered Otoyo, her voice taking on a mournful note. "You have not heard?" "No, what?" they demanded, bursting with curiosity.