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From strange foreign looking packing boxes in the closet she produced tin cases of candied ginger and pineapple, boxes of rice cakes, nuts and American chocolate creams which Otoyo liked better than the daintiest American dish that could be devised. Every guest had brought Otoyo a gift of flowers.

When is he coming, Otoyo?" "He has arriving " Otoyo broke off quickly. Excitement always strangely affected her English. "He has arrived now in New York and he will come here to-morrow for the end-week." "Week-end, you mean, child. Now, what shall we do to amuse him besides showing him the sights? Wouldn't you like us to give him a dance or a fudge party or something?"

"No," they cried. Otoyo had become quite a little news body among her friends. "She will not finish the course. She will be married in June to learned gentleman, a professor of languages of death " "You mean dead languages," put in Molly, laughing. "Ah, well, it is the same." "That is why Minerva looks so gay and blushing," said Jessie.

The two girls now sat face to face on the bed and there was a look of sternness in Molly's eyes that Otoyo had never seen there before. Otoyo's eyes dropped before her gaze and she began plucking at the Japanese crepe of her kimono. "You must speak, Otoyo," Molly insisted. There was a long silence and then Otoyo looked up again. "It was my father, my honorable good father. I am too humble to care.

"Otoyo, my dear, my dear, what can have happened?" cried Molly, turning the averted face toward her so that she might look into the almond-shaped eyes. "I can't bear to see you so miserable. It makes me unhappy, too. Don't you know that you are one of the dearest friends I have in the world and that we all love you?"

"It was as good as a play," cried Edith. "I never saw anything finer. Molly, you're certainly full of surprises. But what did you mean by snakey-noodles? Wasn't it beautiful?" Then Molly explained to them about the snakey-noodle box. "Of course, the rest was just wild guessing, but from the way she took it I'm pretty sure I'm right." "It was better than jiu-jitsu," said Otoyo.

But Miss Sen only laughed and not one word of excuse or explanation would she give. "Otoyo, you are as deep as deep " Molly began. But Otoyo pressing closely to her side, looked up into Molly's face and smiled so sweetly it was impossible to scold her. "You are very kindlee to humble little Japanese girl," she said. "Better than all the young ladies of Wellington, I like you best, Mees Brown.

They would all be delighted and the crowd would be there to receive the honorable gentleman. And now, Molly was sure Otoyo would go. But Otoyo had something else on her mind, evidently. Molly sighed. Not for worlds would she hurt her small friend's feelings, but she did wish she had put a busy sign on the door.

You will pardon me, I know, when I tell you that I have rummaged reverently among your personal 'estates, as Otoyo used to say, seeing, touching, disturbing none but the significant articles before you. Behold the history of these departing years!" As Judy swung slowly about before their interested eyes, something chinked and clinked gently, like glass meeting glass.

"Why, Otoyo," exclaimed Molly, filled with wonder at this new phase in her friend, "I don't want any refreshments. I thought I'd drop in for half an hour before English V. and find out what has happened to you. You never come to see me any more," she added reproachfully. "You haven't been since that Sunday afternoon with your father, and you always have a 'Busy' sign on your door.