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And these were wholly for Vere. Hermione was suffering because of Maurice. But Vere was surely suffering, subconsciously, because of Hermione. There were two links in the chain of suffering, that between Maurice and Hermione, and that between Hermione and Vere. For a moment he felt as if Vere were bereaved, were motherless. The sensation passed directly he realized the exaggeration in his mind.

"Id iss brebosterous," the German agreed readily; "but das iss no argument." He was silent for a little while. "Vere does he ged dem? Vere does he ged dem?" he repeated thoughtfully. "Do you believe, Laadham, it vould be bossible to smuggle in dwenty, d'irty, ein hundred million dollars of diamonds?" "Certainly not," was the reply.

He became President of the new "Shakespeare Society" and of the "Wordsworth Society." In 1886, on the death of Lord Houghton, he accepted the post of Foreign Correspondent to the Royal Academy. When he moved to De Vere Gardens in 1887, it began to be evident that he was slowly breaking up.

That evening Vere and I settled the business details of the developments he had planned. Also while we three were quietly together, I launched a discussion that had been gathering in my mind all day while I watched Phillida. "You are doing as efficient work as Vere," I told her. "In fact, you are a most moderate pair!

"'Well, I thank you very much, said I. "'You know, I don't care so much aboud dose "vorldly hopes" and dot "sonshine," but vat dit strike me vas vere you saidt: "It's better fair to bear de ilts ve half don vly to odders dot we know not of." Dot means, Vat's de use of chanching 'ouses."

She just looked round at me, and beamed in the sweetest way, and said "You are more like a flower than ever, Una! It is nice to see you again!" and she meant it, every word. She really is too good to live! I took her to Vere's room, and was going to leave them alone, but Vere called me back, and made me stay.

And now Essex, Raleigh and Howard, Vere, Warmond and Nassau were about to invade the shores of the despot who sat in his study plotting to annex England, Scotland, Ireland, France, the Dutch republic, and the German empire to the realms of Spain, Portugal, Naples, Milan, and the Eastern and Western Indies, over which he already reigned.

Then every one seemed to go away every one except the huge man in black and white, who carried him back to his bed; the mother and father following. And the sin of the "'parkle cwown" rushed back and took possession of the terrified soul. "I'm a fief!" he gasped. "I want to tell Miss Biddums vat I'm a fief. Vere is Miss Biddums?" Miss Biddums had come and was bending over him.

If I did not fear to offend you, I should ask you to exchange it for for something more well! let us say, something more substantial " "Don't beat about the bush!" said Violet, with a sudden oblivion of her company manners. "You mean money?" Lady Winsleigh smiled. "As you put it so frankly, Miss Vere " she began. "Of course! I'm always frank," returned the Vere, with a loud laugh.

"I think you have the eyes of a Sicilian, Signorina." Again Vere was conscious of a simple effort on the part of the boy to be gallant. And he had a good memory too. He had not forgotten her three-days'-old claim to Sicilian blood. The night mitigated the blunders of his temperament, it seemed. Vere could not help being pleased.