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He could only stare at the shimmering tower ahead. "It's all I've ever wanted to do," said Tom at length. "Just get out there and be free!" "I know what you mean. It's the greatest feeling in the world." "You say that as if you've already been up there." Astro grinned. "Yup. Used to be an enlisted space sailor. Bucked rockets in an old freighter on the Luna City Venusport run."

Secretly he was very happy that he had a crack unit like the Polaris to place in such a job. And the Capella unit had been entrusted with the same responsibility. It was under such tight conditions that Astro, watching the least busy of the three entrances and exits, saw Dave Barret walk to a nearby public teleceiver booth, and, with the door ajar, place a transspace call to Venusport.

His eyes followed the beautiful slim passenger ship just blasting off from Venus. "Why?" demanded Loring. "Anything to get away from Venusport. What a stinking hole!" snorted the shorter of the two spacemen. "For what we want to do," said Loring, "there ain't another city in the system that's got the advantages this place has!" "Don't talk to me about advantages," whined Mason.

The area had been broken into smaller sections. The Venus space station handled ninety per cent of the traffic into and out of Venusport. It was a refueling stop for the jet liners and space freighters bound for the outer planets, and for those returning to Earth. Some ships went directly to Venusport for heavy overhaul or supplies, but the station was established primarily for quick turn arounds.

Commander Walters and the others don't hold conferences like that one back in Venusport for the fun of it. This is serious." Roger shrugged and started off after Connel, Tom following slowly behind. Their march through the jungle was made in silence, each hoping for a miracle.

"I'd hate to be a member of that organization when Commander Walters gets through with them," said Roger in a slow drawl. "And particularly the guy that ordered Connel blasted with that ray gun. Ten shots at once! Wow! That guy must have nerves made of steel!" Within an hour the jet freighter was circling Venusport and was given priority clearance for an immediate landing.

A moment later Tom and the couple, accompanied by two of the guardsmen, were speeding through the dark and empty streets of Venusport. The car was stopped once at a mid-town check point, and Tom had to repeat the password. They picked up another jet car, full of guardsmen as escorts, and with the echo of the exhausts roaring in the empty avenues, they sped to central Solar Guard headquarters.

The Venusport Space Line is overloading again...." On and on he went, with Tom standing to one side watching with wide-eyed wonder as the many ships were maneuvered into and out of the station. Suddenly Stefens turned to Tom. "Well, Corbett," he rasped, "what's the first question?" Tom gulped.

And Major Connel didn't like to wait for anyone or anything. He had read every magazine in the lavish outer office atop the Solar Guard Building in downtown Venusport, drunk ten glasses of water, and was now wearing a path in the rug as he paced back and forth in front of the secretary who watched him shyly.

As a transfer point for the great passenger liners that rocketed between Venusport, Atom City, and Marsopolis, the refueling station at Deimos was well staffed and expertly manned. Standing at the air lock, Tom and Sticoon heard the blasting roar of the Good Company coming down in a fast, expert touchdown, and they hurried across the spaceport to greet their rivals.